I bought a chin up bar!!!!


I am soooo excited. Now if I can only get DH to install it. I would install it mind you but he prefers that I not do "those kinds of things"-must be afraid I won't need him or something.

I know I have a challenge ahead of me. Last time I tried (in the middle of Dicks Sporting Goods) to do one I made it about 2/3 of the way up.
Any tips you ladies have would be greatly appreciated. From everything I've read it sounds like starting out with negatives is a good way to build up to chinups/pullups.

Just wanted to share my excitement!! You know new piece of equipment-it's like getting a new toy.

I started out with just doing one, and progressed from there. I didn't even bother with negatives. Obviously you will be doing small sets, but just keep at it. Chin-ups along with push-ups will do incredible things for the muscle definition in your upper body! They are VERY much worth the effort to learn to do them. Chin-ups, push-ups and dips are my only upper body exercises.
Just Do It! :)
Alright! I got mine from gymcor.com. It's the Door Gym. I just hook it against the door frame. I had to get the extension bars because the door I use it for is wider, but it's been worth every penny. It didn't take me long to be able to haul myself up. I still do most of them assisted by a bench under my feet, P90X style, and every now and then I still look at my pull-up bar with dread -- pull-ups are so tough. Starting out with negatives worked well for me. I guess the boost was more mental than anything, being able to start from the top, instead of starting from the bottom and going up. Enjoy your new toy!

Catherine - I started out using my high step to do assisted chin ups/pull ups with my chin up bar. At one point, I actually made it to unassisted but it's been a while and I think I'm back to having to have the extra assistance.

Have fun and good luck!
I apologize for my ignorance on this subject but what muscle groups would you say a chin up utilizes? Is it just the triceps and biceps?
Thanks for the link, Pinky:) I've been thinking about getting a chin-up bar. I noticed as I was looking at the bar that they also have the loops for ab work. I think I'm going to get those. I used to do vertical leg raises with the loops all the time when I had a personal trainer. They get your abs but good!:eek:

You are working Biceps, triceps, shoulders and back - so it's an excellent upper body exercise.

Thanks ladies for all of your input. Will keep you posted on my progress.

You know my hubby has had a full weight system that I've never even though about using, and do you know there is a pull-up part on there. (Umm...notice the non-exerice equipment language) and to think I've been trying to sell this thing for ages. I think I'll keep it now and start using it.....ummm....after I get a little stronger. :+
OK, Christi I challenge you. No sense in waiting till your stronger. You'll get stronger as you try to do pullups and from what I've read just practicing is the only way to get to do them. Other exercises just don't do it. So come on girl get going!!!;)

How do you start out doing them? I already know I can't pull myself anywhere! Is everyone standing on a chair and then lowering themself down?
This is why - they work so many muscle groups - when you do exercises like chin-ups and push-ups you can streamline your workouts.
Just Do It! :)
Thanks Catherine,
I'm going to start working on these. I'll let you all know how it goes~

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