I am so in love with my sweet little boy! (Birthstory) very long


Hi ladies,

Sorry I have been MIA for a while but I had my sweet little baby boy on 2/2/10 :D.

My due date was actually the day before and I had a Dr.'s appointment that day too and I was 3 cms dilated and 80% effaced, just like the week before but my Dr. said that he would bet money I won't make it to the next appointment.

So, that night at 12.45 am my water broke. I woke up and felt a little gush, so I thought oh oh (I knew it had to be my water breaking) and got up and something was running down my leg, not excessively but a little trickle. So I went to go pee and got cleaned up and woke up my DH to tell him that my water broke. He was asking if I had any contractions and I said no. So we decided to lay back down for a while and get some more rest before heading to the hospital. About 10 minutes later contractions started and they were about 7-10 minutes apart and feeling not too bad. So after 2 hours I woke up my DH and told him to go get ready to go to the hospital. So he got in the shower and I got dressed and packed up the rest for my hospital bag and ate something because I knew I wouldn't get anything once we get to the hospital. We called my stepdaughter so she could watch our toddler for us and we drove to the hospital. In the car I started to have little bitty contractions (like lasting for 15 secs or so) in between my regular once.

So we get to the hospital about 3.40 am and they send us to triage. So we get settled in the room and our nurse starts hooking the monitors up and ask me all these health questions etc. She did a swap to see if my water really really broke but it didn't show up positive. So she said she will talk to the Dr. if she can do the other test to make sure that my water really broke. Duh, I knew it did but I guess she has her procedures she has to follow. Anyway, so she checks me as well and I was 4 cms dilated.

So while she leaves to call the Dr., my husbands leaves as well to get the car parked. That's when my contractions really started picking up and got quite painful. By the way, I am an epidural girl, I don't think I have a high pain tolerance and epidural is what I had with my first and I knew I wanted it as well with my second.
Anyway, the nurse comes back and does the other test and tells me it sometimes takes up to 10 minutes for the results to show up but after 1 minute or so, she says, yes, it's definitely positive. Oh really??? :p

She is going to call the Dr. which said to admit me and she said that they might start me on pitocin, because my contractions were kind of irregular and didn't really have a pattern to it and when she went to get the stuff for my IV.
My DH comes back and I tell him that the contractions are really really painful and almost unbearable.
Suddenly I started to feel sick and he went to get the nurse to give me something to throw up in but she never showed, so he went again and she send someone in to give me a bowl. I thought whatever, I throw up on the floor if I have to. :D Anyway, I never had to throw up.

So she finally comes back in and I am begging to get some kind of relieve because the contractions were just horrible and she said she can't get anything until she got the IV in. One after another contraction hits me and I am asking her, OMG, how far apart are they? She tells me about 3 minutes!!!
The next contraction comes and I said, oh my, I feel like I have to push and the nurse said, no you don't and I said, oh yes I do. So here comes the next one and there is no way not to push, you body does it by itself, so she realizes that I am pushing and she is calling for help. About 3 more nurses rush in and one of them checks me but never tells me how much I am dilated and I kept asking. Everyone is rushing around. The nurse tries to put in the IV and they roll me off to the delivery room.

It is 4.40 am, so I went from a 4 to a 10 in 1 hour! :eek:

In the delivery room, I am asking the nurse if I can get my epidural or anything else and she said it's too late for that. By the time they give me the epidural the baby would be here and if she would give me something in the IV it would make the baby really sleepy.

Wow, this was NOT what I had planned!!! :confused:

The Dr. rushes in and got dressed in a hurry.
The nurses in the delivery room were wonderful!!!! I think I was breathing kind of fast and the one nurse said, look at me, you have take deep breaths and it worked, they really calmed me down and assured me that I can do this.
So I started to push and pushed twice through the first contraction. The Dr. said that he is big and gave me and episiotomy (sp?). I had two more and pushed 3 times each and out came his head and as soon as his shoulders popped out, I said, OMG what a relief! :p And there he was, my sweet little baby boy, 8 lbs. 11 oz. and 20 inches long. They put him on my chest and after a couple of minutes took him to wipe him down etc. and so my Dr. sewed me up. I tore even though I had the episiotomy and it took him quite a while to get me stiched up and wow that was uncomfortable. I was shaking so much from the birth etc. so they put warm blankets on me.
When they gave me my son back to get some skin on skin and to get him started to breastfeed.

This was the most amazing and unexpected experience in my life!!! Everything seemed so surreal and I never thought I could do this without any pain medications but I did and I am proud of that!

I always read that some women cannot bond instantly with their baby and I thought oh my, how could you not but now I understand because I couldn't either. I mean, I was excited he was here and everything but the bonding really happened that evening when I was by myself with him and now I am so in love that each time I look at him I could cry, he is one of the most beautiful things in my life, besides my daughter and my husband!

Also, I never believed when women said that no birth is the same and h$%^ no, they sure aren't ;)!

Kristine :)
Thanks ladies! His name is Matteo Augustus.

I sure miss checking in with you girls. Hopefully you keep the check in going. It's such nice support.
Congratulations Krille! What a wonderful story! Please come join us in the mommy check in! Lots of laughs over there for sure as well as support! :)
It was really nice to hear your story. I am pregnant for the first time, and am sometimes scared about the delivery process, so it was nice to hear that even though it didn't go as planned, everything turned out just fine!



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