I am getting frustrated!!!


I need to vent to people who can understand my frustration....Yesterday I was feeling VERY tired so I did not do any workouts or cleaning, Today I thought I was better so I decided to do
basic step, after the warm up my heart rate was at 176 and would not come down no matter how much I cut back on intensity. I sat on my couch right away and began to feel dizzy and light headed. It took me about 15 minutes to feel semi normal but even sitting upright was making me feel light headed. I did have pre term labor with my ds so I am scared about this pregnancy. I really was wondering if anyone else feels this way sometimes and if so did it pass?
First..call your doctor and tell them what happened. They might want you to come in and check your blood pressure.
From my training with ACE (I am a ACE certified instructor and working on completing my nursing degree), I don't think it is ever good to just stop completely once your heart rate is up so high, it's better to try to get it to come down slower, march in place or just move side to side slowly.
I know you are frustrated, my heart rate would shoot up walking up my stairs sometimes and I was like what the heck?? I could not exercise while being preggo, but was in really good shape before being preggo so I was puzzled.
It could be just a freak thing right now, but since you had preterm labor with your son, you need to just be sure.
Are you currently on any drugs to help prevent pre term labor? I took medications and they raised my heart rate a great deal.
I know it's frustrating to have to sit on not be able to do anything, but it's only a few more months.
Talk with your doctor today and check your blood pressure. Take it easy.
i had a similar experience with dizziness last week. felt out of sorts for about 4 days. a bug may be going around too, and you just never know how it will affect you and baby. good for you for listening to your body when you didn't want to do anything. i 'd definately take it easy for a few days, and if the symptoms persist, you really should see someone. just the worry alone isn't good.

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