Hydroxycut? To take or not to take?


I subscribe to Oxygen and Energy and they have advertisements for Hydroxycut and I was wondering if anyone would recommend it? I know it has Ephedra but if taken according to directions and exercising 6x's per week could it speed up fat loss/ Any suggessions would be helpful.
Just to let you know, you will not find many Hydroxycut supporters here. Most of us regard it as pretty unhealthy for you. Also, it only temporarily elevates your metabolism. Once you go off of it, that elevation will no longer be there= fat gain. That is my take. Don't take it before cardio though. It will make you feel way too winded, especially if you are doing a Cathe tape......
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-02 AT 04:41AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi (not Cathe or medically qualified)

I agree with naughtjo there was a post about Hydroxycut that was very negative. I read Oxygen which features this product but always think that a product that promises such rapid weightloss cannot be good.

I don't believe such rapid weightloss is either good for you or your body slow and steady is the best way to go and also studies show that people who loss weight at 1-2lbs a week are more likely to keep the weight off 5 years down the line.

Such products and advertising is tempting (hey thats advertising for you) but I have and would suggest you aviod such products.

Babs :-jumpy

Hydroxycut contains ephedra, which is being documented more and more as causing significant health problems, including heart problems, for its users. My prediction is that it will prove as dangerous as phen-fen (or however the heck you spell it) has also proven to be.

There are no shortcuts to fitness, but there are many many potholes, and an ephedra-based product is one of them.

Annette Q. Aquajock

Just to echo what the others have said--not a good idea to take it. Also, I am appalled that DR. Christine Lydon, a fitness buff, endorses this product. I don't put much stock in a DOCTOR who recommends an ephedra product given that there has been much documentation about harmful, even deadly, reactions. I guess money talks. Also, keep in mind that most of those ads featuring the before and after photos are of fitness competitors who have recently given birth. That is their "before" shot. Of course, they are going to achieve their pre-pregnancy bodies quickly because they are well ahead of the game in terms of fitness. I don't think the general public would achieve the same dramatic results these women have just by taking Hydroxycut.
Not to take! Squats, stepping, cleaner eating, etc. are cheaper and healthier for your body. Please reconsider! I have stated this before, but when I was hospitalized with anorexia I tried to smuggle some Hydroxycut in with me. The doctor said, "If the starvation doesn't kill you Jill, these just might." That was a HUGE wake up call. Be safe, please!
Also, along with the health warnings everyone else has mentioned, if you read the "really" fine print off to the side or at the bottom of the ad, you'll read that according to the study done by them, the "average" weight loss by participants was 1#/week, for an average of 8# in 8 weeks. The results of the ones who lost 56# in 12 weeks was not typical, and not everyone would achieve those results. So statistics being what they are, if you figure yourself in the "average" group, you'll spend like $20. for a bottle of pills that will give you the same weight loss results as cutting back by 250 calories/day and increasing your exercise to burn an additional 250 calories/day. So that was what made me say "I'll just do it without the drugs!" The outcome just isn't substantial enough to justify the use!

Just my .02 :)

Just to add my 2cents... I tried this product about 2 years ago. It did nothing. I was doing everything they recommended and then some and still little if any change. I do not recommend this for anyone. Healthier eating habits and smart exercise shows results.I've had so much better luck since I went OFF them .
I get so frustrated whenever I open my copy of Oxygen and see pages upon pages selling this stuff and now they are on TVx(.
Please don't waste your money. Stay focused on your goals,eat healthy, exercise smartly,be good to yourself. Take care, Susan

I tried this about 3 years ago. It gave me an awful headache for 2 days. My heart was beating hard (scary!), I felt horrible so I just laid in bed, at night I couldn't sleep...it was not fun!! And I took 1/2 the smallest recommended dosage.

So I definately don't recommend it! The fact that's it's advertised in these magazines disguised as a "real" article turns me off. You'll start reading it and then realize it's an ad for some diet pill. Just cause "Dr Lydon" backs it doesn't mean a thing. I feel stupid for falling for it.

Please save your $$$!
I am so grateful to all of you guys who responded! Thank you so much for the help. I am definately not going to use it! I can lose 1 pound a week myself with less calories and more Cathe! You are all so great at this site and I always get the most informative answers..Thank you again, Tracy
RE: No


Jeez, I know, dontcha hate that. Really pisses me off when I read a magazine and come upon an ad "disguised" as an artice. They do the same with the nitrotech bars. However, this weekend i went out and purchased a "Fitness Rx" magazine and noticed that even though this one was "cleaner", there was an ad every other page and it usually related to what was written on the page with the article. Even more clever, but more of the same. I have also found that once you know so much about fitness/exercise/nutrition, usually the magazines have nothing new to tell you. They do keep me motivated however!!:):) But I am MUCH more picky about any mag I spend my money on now!!
I tried it for a month..Followed a clean diet and did Cath for 5-6 days a week...There was no difference at all..the only thing these pills can give you is a heart attack or palpitations...I am highly against them now....

You're right- the magazines just regurgitate the same info over and over. One month it's abs, the next legs, and it's usually all moves we know. We know how to do squats and lunges by now! But it is motivating- even when they cost about $5 an issue!

And the ads are sooo annoying. The beauty mags are worse (although they're not trying to fool you with article-like ads!). I can't even read Marie Claire or InStyle because there are just so many ads, it gets frustrating. We need a simple, healthy mag like Fitness, but for more advanced exercisers. And it shouldn't feature any gimmicky diet products!!!!!!
In a recent issue of Oxygen (I believe it was July), they did an article about Brandy Flores. Brandy is featured in almost every ad I have ever seen regarding hydroxycut. Anyway, the article talked about how Brandy was a professional athlete (sorry guys, I can't remember what type) who suffered a horrific knee injury that required surgery and rehabilitation. After the surgery, Brandy gained a substantial amount of weight. At this point, hydroxycut contacted Brandy and asked if she would be willing to be featured in their advertising campaign. Brandy accepted and hydroxycut provided a nutritionist, supplements, equipment, and personal trainer. I believe that Brandy also did cardio 2 times per day, for 5 or 6 days a week, and lifted weights for 3 or 4 days a week. I guess what bothered me about this story is that in the ads for hydroxycut they don't ever tell you that Brandy was already a professional athlete, who had the expertise of training and probably good muscle memory. They also don't tell you about all the assistance hydroxycut provided for her weight loss. Who wouldn't have an easier time losing weight with the help of a nutritionist to plan every meal and a personal trainer to motivate you? In addition to the health risks which I believe have been covered here, I consider the advertising of hydroxycut to be misleading and contributing to the idea of a quick and easy fix to weight problems.

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