Hurray! It's Wednesday!


Hoping for another nice day with Isabel and that Gina gets on the bus with no tears today!:D Last night she was super excited to go back to school today - hope she follows thru!

I slept FANTASTIC last night - hope you all did too!

Not sure on my WO - cardio and or UB weights.

Need to get things around for the day - bbl..........
Good morning everyone :)

I slept well too Kate, but i tend to go to bed to late this week (11pm) and get up early (530). I was sleeping soooo good and didnt want to get up this morning. BUt alas..gotta pay the bills.

I had a couple of those round ligament tears this morning on both sides at the same time. that didnt feel too good but luckily they go away quickly

i guess i'll have to force myself to workout today. i havent since sunday due to our schedule.
im just always so tired after work!

ok, enough at work but not quite up yet..
Sorry I have been mia (Kate thanks for wondering where I was). For some reason I just havent been in the posting mood. I am in the 2ww AGAIN and guess its just getting to me month after month! Plus, I have been studying and going to classes. I have my first test tomorrow on the endocrine system..very interesting stuff. I am anal about my grades and want to keep my 4.0
Haley stayed home from school last Thu and Fri with a major headcold and fever. She is good as new now.
We are getting the rain from Gustov...its been raining for 2 days and will continue for another 2 days...I mean hard rain!
Hi to everyone!!!!!! I promise I will try and post more and will let you know about my
Oh Kate-so glad Gina enjoyed school!! Haley is loving it too! We go meet the teacher offcially tomorrow.
Kate, yeah on the good sleep. I've been having strange & vivid dreams.

Susan, TTC can be so exhausting! We tried for our #4 for 18 months, before slowly giving up,...and then you know the rest of the story. We conceived our first three with no problem, then BAM!! I"m such a goal/performance based person, I had to fight the feelings of failure every month AF arrived (even though I know I had no control over it). Hang in there. ;)

Hi everyone. :)

I have the day off. I plan to exercise (missed last two days), play with kiddos, and then Justin has pre-school orientation this evening---he starts one AM/week next Wednesday. I"m feeling sad about it---he's growing up. :( I'd like to stick him in the dryer to shrink him a bit--sigh---nothing I can do! My 8th grader went back yesterday, seemed to have a great day!
Hi ladies,
I'm super tired this morning. Stayed up late and then Henry woke me up at 4:30 this morning because he was scared of the dark (first time ever). He finally fell asleep at 6:30, but I couldn't go back to sleep because it's a school day. Now he's awake and bothering Oliver like nothing ever happened. :mad: Anyway, doc's appointment this a.m.

I've got to run get Oliver on the bus. Hugs to all!! Good to see you back, Susan! You were missed!

BBL today for personals...
Hey guys. Still feeling yucky here. Hasn't let up a minute. ? I haven't had to throw up but I still have a headache and feel sick in general. I didn't get to workout last night due to it and had very broken sleep. sigh! Maybe its something else I dunno but gosh I wish it'd go away.
Glad to hear everyone is doing well. ;)
Susan welcome back! :) Good luck with your ttc. We missed you here on the boards

Stephanie I hear you about not getting enough sleep (see my initial post)

Melanie lol about putting your little one in the dryer. I used to tell my little baby cousins not to grow anymore and when they did i jokingly scolded them for not listening :)
I yell at my kid for growing all the time---they even get "spankings" for growing---of course they correct me and call them "love pats"---just gentle pats on the bottoms for being "naughty" and growing too fast. It's our special little game. :)
Hey guys, Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement! Im hanging in there and not giving up quite yet!
Jen-it looks like Hannah will miss you??
Melanie-Hi! Its so good to see you here!
Stephanie-hope you can get a nap in today!
Hi Calvillo!
Im am off to campus to get an ID made..since I registered online I totally forgot I had to get a new ID and car tag. After that its home for chores and study.
JenM - Hope your work day goes smoothly! Good luck getting your WO in!

Susan, We'll be anxious to hear about your "results". GLad school is going well - for you AND Haley! ^5 on the 4.0!! I was always very anal about grades too. I hope my girls aren't - I want them to enjoy school and learning, not torture themselves over a GPA that doesn't really matter in the end. Sorry Haley was so sick!

Melanie, Enjoy your day off! How nice!

Stephanie, Hope the appt goes well - KUP!

Calvillo, BOOOOOOOOOO! to the nausea!!! It's the pits, isn't it???

Nice day with Isabel - I sure miss Gina being around though to keep her busy!!! We might make a few batches of zuke. bread this afternoon to freeze. Not being able to eat the batter is a terrific calories saver!!
Hi guys,
Appointment went well --aside from having to drive around FOREVER to find a parking spot (three blocks away). Geesh. Apparently they are building a parking deck. I'm just 9 months too early :mad:. Anyway, the doc checked me and said that I'm about a half cm dilated. She said the baby was way down (she could feel his head :eek:). Hopefully though this one will be like the others and I'll just slowly dilate a little until my c-section. But I've never had a "scheduled" c-section before, so I don't know how much they let you dilate before they go ahead and do the section. Anyone else know? Anyway, now I'm going to fix Henry lunch and veg out for a little bit. We went to K-Mart after the doctor's office, and I'm TIRED!!! :(

Kate--Have fun baking!! I use Egg Beaters (which are pasturized) in everything I make, so I eat the batter!! (Again, this is why I'm up 46 lbs and you are up less than half that :confused:.) Zucchini bread sounds YUMMY!!

Susan--Hope school is going well. Do you get "student discounts" when you go places now? That would be a great perk. I know they offer them here at the movies and at some other places around town. Don't you dare give up on TTC. You'll get there. I have full confidence!! ((hugs))

Melanie--I know what you mean about wanting them to stay little. My Oliver, 6, is already up to my shoulder!! (of course I'm short) I tell him all the time, "STOP growing!!!" and he just smiles. Reminds me of the Joni Mitchell song, Circle Game (which makes me cry every time I hear it), they want to be big SO badly, but then one day they'll miss being little.

Cavillo--Sorry for the icks. Hope you get to feeling better soon! Carbs and gingerale. Carbs and gingerale.

Jen2--Here's hoping we both get a good night's sleep tonight! I told the boys that it's EARLY to bed tonight. It's been hard transitioning them to their new "school night" schedule.

Later taters!!
kate - ive been meaning to ask you - did you finish painting the nursery? If so, i'd love to see pics! Your design sounds absolutely adorable. Im trying to think of something for mine. its hard because DH wants to keep the gender a suprise until the end. Just makes it hard to plan...
Stephanie, YAY to starting to dilate!! Bummer on the parking though! Don't even tempt me with egg beaters!!! I would LOVE to indulge in some dough!

JenM - Yes, we're done!! I will do my best to post a pic soon. It turned out beautiful - I *heart* my painter - he does an awesome job every time! This one got a little pricey, but it's too late now!!!:p Should've asked first, huh???:confused: You could always just wiat to do the walls until after baby is born. It would KILL the decorator in me to NOT to a gender-specific room! Thank goodness I'm having a girl - we're all about pink over here!
I am hoping to have a girl, but i hear little boys have a special bond with their mommies. In all honesty i just want a healthy baby and have a healthy pregnancy.
We already got our bedding, its on the dull side tho. Its cute, its a noah's ark theme (no noah in it tho lol) and is cream color based, but has pale blues, greens, yellows, purples etc. Not very bright or snazy.
And im afraid its going to look washed out with our white crib (my husband wants a white nursery). Oh well.
I would have NO idea how to decorate the walls. Our entire home is just white everywhere, its a new home and thats how they built it. Im so not creative..
Jen, You could even wait on the bedding til baby is born.... Not ideal to do all the decorating post-partum, but you'd be able to do it gender-specific. With internet, etc. it'd be pretty easy to do quickly... ??? Our house is definetly NOT white! There's a bright colored-paint in nearly every room. Only the kitchen is white but the c'tops are clue and there are blue stripes painted horizontally across the top. Great Room is BRIGHT yellow, mud room is black and white harlequin get the picture!;):D

Isabel has been awake for some time and I am running out of patience playing Barbies!!!! (Susan, I know you understand!!!!) Gina should be off the bus soon..........
Kate - your house sounds adorable i'd love to see pics, I cant wait to see your nursery. I havent researched any yet. Got any inspirational ideas for mine? The room is so small and blah. I have to try to sell the sleeper sofa in it and fiture out what to do with the bookshelf and computer cart. We have three bedrooms but one is my workout room and i'm refusing to give that space up. It might be selfish of me, huh? But i know you guys understand. I need my private space and the working out keeps me sane. I just wish i had one more bedroom or a slightly bigger home. Sigh...

Oh, i already purchased the bedding a coulpe weeks ago. We like it and its gender neutral but a cute theme. Its just not very birght or colorful. We didnt like much out of the other unisex styles. SO much easier to pick boy or girl themes.

And i am having an AWFUL time coming up with names. I name my dog meatball for goodness sake. I have some girl names in mind but cant come up with a single boy name i like :( Naming is just so hard...
Oh Kate you poor poor dear...Barbies...YIKESS!! Gina will be home soon to take over! Haley has been more into playing "office" lately so thats easier and more "fun"..if you can call it that. She brings me papers to sign and pretends to make calls and file stuff.
I have studied my head off today. I went to get in the school pick-up line early due to the rain, so I studied more there.
Jenn-youll come up with a gread nursery!! I too wouldnt and couldnt give up my workout room if there was any way around it!! That is MY room!
Today Haley starts gymnastics and tomorrow we start back with dance.
See you guys later!
Hi, i am off to cheerleading with dd, but thought i'd drop in.
Susan-so glad you are back, you haven't hurt yourself lately have you??
kate-i can't wait to see nursery picks either! i will know next weeks what color we will need for ours!
melanie-i think putting them in the dryer to "shrink" them is a good idea too. They are growing up so fast.
Jenm-what color is your bedding again/
Jen-i hope you get more than 6 hours of sleep tonight. its so hard when you get to be that pregnant.
Stephanie-I don't know about the dilating part, but I was in labor when I went in for my scheduled c section for ds. They hooked me up to the monitor in pre op and where like "whoa, why didn't you say anything?" and i was like, I didn't know, because the same thing happen with dd, i was dilated to a 7 and had broken waters and didn't feel a thing either:confused:. Of course they thought I was nuts. Probably was (and still am). You are so smart to use egg beaters in the dough. I will be heading to the store...:p
Hi Ladies--one handed typing here, so I won't be able to type much. We have started school--going very smoothly, but my computer time is very limited. I'm mostly just lurking. Baby Gwen is doing well, but has a goopy eye:(.

I gained 70 lbs, but as of yesterday, I'd lost 37.5 of them, so 32.5 to go.....sigh....I'm such a heifer. I did start working out again yesterday and it felt sooooo good.

Anyway--a whole bunch of you are getting really close---ooooh that last month is tough (almost as bad as morning sickness...almost...)

Take care, ya'll:D
JenM, I would paint the room a pale yellow, blue, or green. Then after baby is born you can add stripes of pink or blue. Or even a border later??? ITA on a bigger house! We *should* have enough sq. ft., but somehow it's never enough! We have a lifting room in the basement but my cardio space is wherever I can FIND the space! Usually clearing out a space for step in the basement or I can do KB or Leslie in the Great Room.

Susan, Office sounds sooo much better than Barbies! At least you wcould be able to get real paperwork done while you were "playing"...maybe?!?! Busy days ahead for Ms. Haley...!

Mikkia, So your u's is next week?! How exciting! Can't wait to hear of we can she it or he it! AMAZING on your labors! WOW!!! That'd be awesome! ^5 to your uterus!

Maggie, Good to see you! You've already lost half your weight! WTG!!!!! You are NOT a heifer!!!
Is the goopy eye a clogged teat duct? Gina had that so I refused the eye goo they put in immediately after birth - I'm quite sure I don't have an STD, thank you very much, doctor! My midwives offer it but that's about it.

I just did GS BSB timesaver. I can't do the 60 min. lifting anymore. C'MON OCTOBER!!!!!!!!!!

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