
Hello everyone,
I was just wondering if anyone experiences feeling hungry all the time? I feel like this constantly. I want it to go away!! I can't remember if carbs cause you to be hungry more or if protein does. I drink protein shakes after workouts. I also make sure I eat a good breakfast, lunch and dinner. No matter what I eat I could eat more and more. I don't really crave anything inparticular, just food!!! I have tried eating teaspoons of peanut butter hoping that would fill me up, but that just leaves me wanting the whole jar. I drink close to 90oz of water a day and you would think that would help me feel more full, but it doesn't. Any tips?? any posts back would be great. Thanks so much!

Michelle ;-)
Hey Michelle:

Take a look at this website:
There may be some good info for you there, if carbs are a problem.

I find that carbohydrates make me very hungy, so I'm careful with how many I have.
Hi Michelle,

Carbs make you feel more hungry--bad carbs. When you say that you are hungry all the time, take a look at what you are eating. Are you eating large portions of good stuff or small portions of peanut butter. Are you aware there are 190 calories in 1 tablespoon? Unless of course, you are talking about low sugar/low fat.

Definitely, a good breakfast is going to help--try some oatmeal with fat free cottage cheese. What kinds of snacks are you eating? Instead of eating 3 big meals a day, try splitting them into 5 or 6 meals a day. Watch that peanut butter intake! That's not only high fat, but also high carb--sugar.

Protein shakes are ok. I like the flavor but I think I do better "hunger" wise with a bowl (3/4 c) of Kashi GoLean & 1/2 c of milk filling wise. Kashi has more fibre. Ok, not as much protein but still fills me better.

Try eating carrot sticks & celery sticks. Carrots satisfy my need for crunch & sweetness. They are great nutritionally but won't make you fat. LOL

Hope that helps a little.
I looked at my peanut butter and it's 190 calories for two tablespoons. I've never seen any peanut butter jar saying only one tablespoon per serving. I know mayo, butter, etc...are high in calories for one tablespoon.
Someone on the WW site told me to eat lots of protein, and it was like miracle cure for me. I was a vegetarian and never met my protein requirements. Protein worked like a charm for me because it lasts longer.
As mentioned, increasing your protein intake is supposed to help. Also, I've heard the fiber and water content in fruits and vegetables help you to feel full.

Of course, it's always possible there could be something health-related going on here - maybe thyroid?


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