HR monitor?


Hi there,

I read somewhere that when exercising during pregnancy you shouldn't let your HR go above 120 or 140 (read both numbers on different sites). does anyone know if there is truth to this, and if so, do you use a HR monitor while exercising? Any recommendations to which brand?

I just started working out again this morning because I've had such extreme fatigue (I'm sure I don't have to tell any of you about that!). I did find myself wondering a couple of times if I was pushing it too much. A HR monitor may be a good investment. Just wanted to see what you ladies do.

Hi Amy-
I've read in some journals and in my personal training class and manual(ACE) that a HRM is not recommended for pregnant women because the HR is naturally elavated during pregnancy. Also, it used to be the rule that the HR should not go over 140 during a workout but now doctors are re-thinking that because HR during pregnancy does not represent RPE's. The guidelines in my book say that you should follow the RPE rule and not pay attention to a monitor. That being said, I'm certainly not a doctor so you may want to talk to yours about this. I'm just relaying what I've recently read and was tested on to get certified.:)
I haven't don't HR checks, I"m just careful not to become anaerobic---or gasp for air. This ensures baby is getting oxygen. :)

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]
Oh, forgot to add this, I have a Polar HR monitor. I got it in a video trade years past. I rarely use it, but when I do it's usually for training for runs. Polar HR monitors are considered top-notch, and the best on the market. :) Hope this helps.

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]
Not Carolyn,
But RPE is the Rate of Perceived Exertion Scale that Cathe uses in a lot of her videos (especially the earlier ones). This scale asks you to place your Rate of Perceived Exertion on a scale of 1-10, 9-10 being the extreme, 7-8 working hard, 5-6 intermediate work, etc.
Hope this helps,
Mattea is right MSJ. I believe that for pregnancy, your RPE should remain in a "comfortable" zone during pregnancy. That means never going into your anaerobic zone(mouth breathing, can't talk, very high HR,etc). It also means staying in our around 5-7(at the most). Of course I'm not a doctor I'm just relaying what I've read(and I hope I'm remembering it correctly:) )
Thanks, ladies--that makes sense--I know my heart rate gets above 140, but my RPE is usually in a comfortable zone. I occaisionally get into an anaerobic zone, but I don't stay there long (partly because I can't).

I just wanted to add one more thing, if you don't mind. I agree with what everyone here has said about using the PRE, but I also think that using a fan when you work out is important so you don't get overheated and you stay comfortable yourself. And for some strange reason, and I know this doesn't make any sense to probably anyone but me, I was afraid of that it get might get too uncomfortably hot in my uterus. Now that I wrote that I realize how stupid it sounds, oh my gosh! :p I am a dork :+


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