How would the new tapes work for me?


New Member
Hi everyone!
I have not been around for a while. I used to post frequently, but have been a traitor to the exercise video world due to a dalliance in running. I currently run 3 days a week, but I train hard and have a long run of 8 to 10 miles every week. I have not forsaken videos entirely. The only ones I am using now are Cathe's and Brian Kest's Yoga tape (the third). I strength train with the upper body portion of Bodymax alternating with PS BBA and CST once a week. I also do an abbreviated leg workout with MIS once a week. Of course, noone beats Cathe for abs. I use her tapes several times a week for those.

Problem is , I am planning on doing 5K's 10K's and half marathons. Training for these leaves little room for more cardio in my schedule (I am also a working mom). Those of you who have the new tapes, do you think that I could tack on the weight training portions after my runs for my strength training? I really do need variety, but do not have time to go to a gym and have not found any tapes better than Cathe's! MIS, PS series and Bodymax are great but I need a change!

Thanks for your input in advance!!!!
Hi Irene! Like you, I use videos for cross-training especially strength work. The primary activity in my case is cycling & I reduce the cross-training when I'm training for an event. I wouldn't add any more high impact cardio to my routine if I were running a lot. Which is why the 6-Pack might not be the best choice for you. Cardio Kicks & Circuit Max might be good additions to your routine. You'll work your upperbody in Cardio Kicks, can control the impact if you want, & get some lateral movement which you don't get running. Similarly with Circuit Max, except you would use weights during the toning sections. I think these 2 would be a great change of pace from the tapes you already have.

I've certainly been in an envious state reading about the express tapes. Obviously they are a lot of fun. But I know that I really don't need to add anymore quad intensive work to my routine.
Hi Irene,
Just wanted to say that I love the Crosstrain 6-pack for strength training. I have seen some very good results using these tapes. (I was using the PS series and will eventually be rotating them with the Crosstrain 6-pack) As Debra pointed out, sounds like you probably don't need any more cardio, so I guess it depends on whether it bothers you to pay the 6-pack price and yet only use the strength training sections. I (for the most part) bought the 6-pack only because I wanted the one-body-part per day format and I think the cost was still worth it just for the strength training alone. HOWEVER, of course, I had to try out some of the cardio workouts and I found a new love for kickboxing. Thought I would only use that tape for the bicep work. So, I would say that these tapes would be a great refreshing change for you and you might find (like me) that you have use at a later date for the kickboxing and cardio workouts too! I think I am getting even better results with the 6-pack than I was with the PS series so that's saying alot.
Hi Irene,

I am a runner too and have finished two half marathons in the past couple of years. I love running. Anyway, I have the new 6 pack tapes and mainly use the strength segments and I do them after my run. I usually do a couple body parts after my run and end up doing each body part at least once a week. I think the tapes were well worth it. I have done the cardio to each tape also and they are soo much fun, but I can't fit all that cardio into my life. As you know how it is to be a full time working mother.


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