How warm


So, how warm did y'all get today? We were almost at 90 today here in NY. From maybe 70 yesterday. Crazy weather. I don't do extreme temps very well, but I'll take that if it's dry.


"Today I'll teach you to recognize when you're boring. This is called a yawn. When you see one, stop talking about yourself."
- Dogbert, Social Obliviousness 101
99 degrees in Phoenix, I could have sworn it was over 100, I almost burned my feet when I walked outside barefoot to get something from my car.
Summer is starting, time to go to the dog park at 5 am. But hey, at least it's a dry heat :)

Hey! About 102 or so!! But then, again, I live in Arizona....the mornings are still nice, and now, at 8:00pm, it is a nice 82. Of course, being in the desert, it is nice and dry....but HOT!!!!
80 + in the Pacific Northwest.


The idea is to die young as late as possible

It's 86 in Southwest Georgia but no humidity yet! We've had periods of dense smoke at times due to the wildfires burning east of here.
Well Debbie, I'm in north Jersey & it's dark as night here right now about ready to Tstorm. Prepare yourself.

I like the dry weather too but it's been too darned dry--this pollen must go! Bring on the rain!
well yesterday and today were nice and hot. now it is 66 here in nyc and it is windy with some nasty rain headed our way.

talk about crazy weather...

Okay, yeah...spoke too soon Laura ;) A MAJOR storm just blew through and now it feels nice. I think it is supposed to be in the 60s the next couple days. Wheeee! That I like.


"Today I'll teach you to recognize when you're boring. This is called a yawn. When you see one, stop talking about yourself."
- Dogbert, Social Obliviousness 101

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