How to use Mix and Match, Premixes, etc?


I just got my 1st 2 Cathe DVD's (Low Max and Low Impact Step). First of all, I feel like a moron! I always thought I was coordinated but some of these steps are tough! Any ideas how to break these steps down so that they are more easily learned?

Anyway, I am confused by how these DVD's are set up. What is the diffence between the Premixes and the Chapters on the DVD's and how are they meant to be used?

Would greatly appreciate help from someone who is familiar with these DVD's. I am hoping they can be used to vary the workout time based on what you need for that particular workout (i.e. It says that Low Impact Step is a 40 min w/o, but sometimes I only have 25 min to do cardio).

>Anyway, I am confused by how these DVD's are set up. What is
>the diffence between the Premixes and the Chapters on the
>DVD's and how are they meant to be used?

Chapters are just like chapters in a book (the workout being like the book itself). From the "Chapter" menu, you can choose to go to any chapter, then the workout will play that chapter and continue on from there.

Premixes are specially pre-programmed versions of the workout that mix it up in a different way, sometimes omitting segments, sometimes repeating segments, depending on the premix. Choose the premix, and an entire pre-programmed workout plays (though on some premixes, there is no warm-up).

The Mix-and-match menu allows you to somewhat program your own workout. You choose a segment on the mix-and-match menu, it plays, then it returns to the Mix-and-match menu so you can choose another segement to play if you want.

The "Workout Blender' is a feature only on the Body Blast series. On the "Workout Blender" menu, you can choose up to 5 (?) segments of the workout to play in the order you choose, then when you hit "play," they play in their entirety.
I too, just got Low Max the other day, and have only done it twice so far. The step combos are a little confusing. What I did was put my DVD on "slow" at the start of a combo and tried to learn it like that. It will still take me a few more times and I only did the first 4!
>I too, just got Low Max the other day, and have only done it
>twice so far. The step combos are a little confusing. What I
>did was put my DVD on "slow" at the start of a combo and tried
>to learn it like that. It will still take me a few more times
>and I only did the first 4!

I tried that but it seems that my DVD player only has 2 slow modes and they are so darn slow, it is tough to even make out the steps and copy them. Maybe I need to look at the settings again and see if there is another mode.


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