How to bleach the teeth??


Short of going to the dentist and spending a couple hundred dollars, what is the most effective way to bleach your teeth and really have white teeth? I've tried the crest white strips twice and it really doesn't make a very noticeable difference and what it does do doesn't last very long. I've seen people with extremely white teeth. Is that only possible from a dentist. Maybe I just need to make the decision and go that route.

What do you do?

Short of going to the dentist and spending a couple hundred dollars, what is the most effective way to bleach your teeth and really have white teeth? I've tried the crest white strips twice and it really doesn't make a very noticeable difference and what it does do doesn't last very long. I've seen people with extremely white teeth. Is that only possible from a dentist. Maybe I just need to make the decision and go that route.

What do you do?


Hi Tracy. I work for a dental office, . . and just so you know if you go to a dentist and dish out the bucks for the professional whitening, . . it will eventually go back. What you'll want is to get a professional whitening and ask for a take home tray (specificly made for you by taking a mold impression of your teeth) with professional grade whitening gel, . .this way you can maintain the whiteness of your teeth at night. Some people just genetically have whiter teeth, . . but honestly unless you have a white foods only diet having constant white teeth is not really realistic unless you want veneers. Esp if you are a coffee and wine drinker like me. The end result of how white your teeth vary with each patient and whitening your teeth can cause sensitivity (it did for me). Oh one last thing, . .make sure that your teeth are healthy, . .no cavities, perio or gum issues before you get your teeth professionally whitened. Good luck.
Hi Janie1234,

It was the impression that I was trying to avoid because that is where the expense comes in. I've talked to my dentist about it but just can't make that leap. I actually have a professionally made mold but it is just shy of covering the top of my top two teeth. I had it made because I am a clencher and I sometimes wear it at night. Maybe I should just go ahead and get the new mold made. The gel is cheap enough. Just have to get past the cost of the mold.

Thanks for all you info. Very helpful. :D

This will probably sound weird...

Strawberries are supposed to help make the teeth whiter naturally. Here's an article that describes a sort of strawberry and baking soda "mask" for the teeth that you could try once a week. It might sound a little gross, but it's cheap and it seems to work (for me, anyway).

I've also found that using straight-up baking soda, or a little baking soda and salt, with my regular toothpaste seems to keep the staining down. I drink loads of coffee and tea, but my teeth are pretty white.
I have tried the crest white strips and all the whitening tooth pastes, then I went to the dentist and spent the money and had the trays made so I could whiten at home, all of them helped some but I wasnt overally thrilled, then I tried that Listerine whitening pre-brush rinse and I am thrilled with the results, you just use it twice a day before you brush and I have really noticed the difference and it is very inexpensive compared to all the other options I have tried.
I have had my teeth whitened by my dentist, and have the take home tray - but I only had my top half done. Last year I wanted to do my bottom half without the expense.

On eBay, you can actully buy a kit for a fraction of the price. The "Tray" that they use is a plastic mold that you bite into, hold it for awhile and let it dry. The material is harder than the dentist, so it's not as durable, but it works just as well for what you want to accomplish.

Go to eBay and search for teeth whitening. You'll be able to find what I'm talking about. The gel is the most potent available, so you only need to do 15min/day, and in a couple of days you'll have super white teeth!
Listerine whitening pre-brush rinse and I am thrilled with the results, you just use it twice a day before you brush and I have really noticed the difference and it is very inexpensive compared to all the other options I have tried.

Yes, I use this too and it works really well.
Hi Janie1234,

It was the impression that I was trying to avoid because that is where the expense comes in. I've talked to my dentist about it but just can't make that leap. I actually have a professionally made mold but it is just shy of covering the top of my top two teeth. I had it made because I am a clencher and I sometimes wear it at night. Maybe I should just go ahead and get the new mold made. The gel is cheap enough. Just have to get past the cost of the mold.

Thanks for all you info. Very helpful. :D


Do you grind?One of our patients who was an Invisalign user grinds and she ground the heck out of her aligners and those things are tuff. I would actually ask your dentist to redo the mold to fit over the teeth and ask if you could use it as a bleaching tray. Between me and you the cost for the office to make those is very low so to keep you as a patient he/she should be willing to do it for little to no cost, . . . just make sure to buy the gel from them since the quality from the Dr.'s office (if they have the stronger stuff) is better than the OTC stuff.

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