how to become a charter member?


This may be a stupid question, but how (or when) does one become a "Charter Member"? I keep seeing this on posts and am curios about it. Thanks!


Well lets see....its a very elite group of Cathe Monogomists whose sole purpose is to wake up daily and be abused by the sadistic acts of a woman who really isn't human (but is cleverly disquised as such). We are governed by a group of elders who are appropriately named the SNM crew. Anyone wishing to disassociate is promptly apprehended by the Cathe police and.....(I've covered this in another thread and don't wish to speak of it again). We are required to regularly check in at least on a weekly basis, buy as many Cathe videos as our budget will allow, lose sleep over which rotation to do next, and obsess over whether or not we are going low enough on our low end lunges. It has come to our recent attention that those doing more than 15 full length tapes per week (not including ab work) are considered to be Cathe overindulgers and those doing less than 1 per week are in danger of being put on "the list" (again monitored by the Cathe police). YOU DON'T WANT TO END UP ON THE LIST.

My recommendation to you would be to take some time to think before acting as this is a lifetime commitment and if you really want to join, just turn over your first born and sign on the dotted line.............................


(okay seriously, I believe the charter thing may have come into being when they switched their forum style which occurred back in January sometime. It seemed to me that everyone who had posted prior to January was considered chartered and those who posted after this system kicked in are considered....well.....not chartered.) Debbie H on the other hand is believed to be "incredibly chartered" and believes that the more posts one has the more chartered they become, thus putting her in the status of insanely/compulsively chartered. ;) ;) ;) ;) )

Honest to goodness Briee, when I first read Sara's post, I thought I should reply to her that "one MUST have over 1,500 posts to qualify to be CHARTERED!" Then, I read your response and was rolling on the floor! There is not a day that goes by on this forum that someone doesn't make me smile or laugh! You are too funny! Sara, I believe Briee is right about us becoming chartered because we were from the original forum. Ask as many questions as you'd like. You will help me hit my 1,600 mark REAL soon. :7 Funny, I never thought of myself as a jabber-jaw before???

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Okay, I must be officially Cathe crazy. I just agonized all morning over which rotation I was going to do. I finally decided on a four week rotation by Fembot posted in the Video & DVD Rotations. I was trying to do the rotation posted for the Intensity Series, but found that I enjoyed a little more cardio and it was just a little too much for me to try to fit all the workouts in a one week period. I just ordered the Cardio Hits DVD today so now I will have other workouts to figure out a rotation for. Just when I thought I had decided on a rotation, I would see another one I thought I would be interested in. I mean, I used to read these posts and think, come on, how can one get this "into" workout videos. There are so many awesome options and variations with the DVD's and I don't have nearly as many Cathe workouts as some of you long timers do. This is crazy fun! I hope everyone has a terrific weekend!
Robin good to see you laughing!!!!!!

May God always grant you a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)
Thanks for for remembering the "h", Debbie! Sara(h)s tend to take them VERY seriously! :)

Briee, LOVED your "take" on the Charter thing!!! LOL

Sarah :)
>Well lets see....its a very elite group of Cathe Monogomists
>whose sole purpose is to wake up daily and be abused by the
>sadistic acts of a woman who really isn't human (but is
>cleverly disquised as such). We are governed by a group of
>elders who are appropriately named the SNM crew. Anyone
>wishing to disassociate is promptly apprehended by the Cathe
>police and.....(I've covered this in another thread and don't
>wish to speak of it again). We are required to regularly
>check in at least on a weekly basis, buy as many Cathe videos
>as our budget will allow, lose sleep over which rotation to do
>next, and obsess over whether or not we are going low enough
>on our low end lunges. It has come to our recent attention
>that those doing more than 15 full length tapes per week (not
>including ab work) are considered to be Cathe overindulgers
>and those doing less than 1 per week are in danger of being
>put on "the list" (again monitored by the Cathe police). YOU
>My recommendation to you would be to take some time to think
>before acting as this is a lifetime commitment and if you
>really want to join, just turn over your first born and sign
>on the dotted line.............................
>(okay seriously, I believe the charter thing may have come
>into being when they switched their forum style which occurred
>back in January sometime. It seemed to me that everyone who
>had posted prior to January was considered chartered and those
>who posted after this system kicked in are
>considered....well.....not chartered.) Debbie H on the other
>hand is believed to be "incredibly chartered" and believes
>that the more posts one has the more chartered they become,
>thus putting her in the status of insanely/compulsively
>chartered. ;) ;) ;) ;) )

OH MY GOD! SERIOUSLY LAUGHING MY A$$ OFF!!!! I got your email. I'm just getting around to checking in & will respond in a few minutes!

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