>Well lets see....its a very elite group of Cathe Monogomists
>whose sole purpose is to wake up daily and be abused by the
>sadistic acts of a woman who really isn't human (but is
>cleverly disquised as such). We are governed by a group of
>elders who are appropriately named the SNM crew. Anyone
>wishing to disassociate is promptly apprehended by the Cathe
>police and.....(I've covered this in another thread and don't
>wish to speak of it again). We are required to regularly
>check in at least on a weekly basis, buy as many Cathe videos
>as our budget will allow, lose sleep over which rotation to do
>next, and obsess over whether or not we are going low enough
>on our low end lunges. It has come to our recent attention
>that those doing more than 15 full length tapes per week (not
>including ab work) are considered to be Cathe overindulgers
>and those doing less than 1 per week are in danger of being
>put on "the list" (again monitored by the Cathe police). YOU
>My recommendation to you would be to take some time to think
>before acting as this is a lifetime commitment and if you
>really want to join, just turn over your first born and sign
>on the dotted line.............................
>(okay seriously, I believe the charter thing may have come
>into being when they switched their forum style which occurred
>back in January sometime. It seemed to me that everyone who
>had posted prior to January was considered chartered and those
>who posted after this system kicked in are
>considered....well.....not chartered.) Debbie H on the other
>hand is believed to be "incredibly chartered" and believes
>that the more posts one has the more chartered they become,
>thus putting her in the status of insanely/compulsively

OH MY GOD! SERIOUSLY LAUGHING MY A$$ OFF!!!! I got your email. I'm just getting around to checking in & will respond in a few minutes!