How soon postpartum can you start weight lifting?


I would like to know just trying to get all the info I can right now I am still 4 weeks away but I am curious to know how soon?
I know Cathe looked great and started weight training soon after so just curious.
Thank You
I think its different for everyone and depends alot on how your labor and delivery went. I had a c-section and my doctor okayed me to resume working out after four weeks, but asked me to wait a little long before doing abs. It also depends alot on how you feel, like if you are getting enough sleep or not (ha,ha,). Also I find its very hard sometimes to find the time to workout when you have a newborn.

Good luck to you and your pending arrival. I hope you have a fast and easy delivery!

Linda (son born 10/03/01)
Listen to your body, but in general, you'll probably be ready 4-6 after you deliver. If your postpartum bleeding becomes bright red or increases in volume, then this is a sign that you are doing too much.

Let your body heal, and it'll tell you when it's time to get back into he swing of things (and those first few weeks go by SO quickly!)

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