How soon did your period return?


I'm asking because my daughter is only five weeks and I'm on my period. At first, I wasn't sure what it was I thought maybe I was just still bleeding from the baby but then I felt cramps and I knew what it was. It seems so early to me for my period to be back. Thanks.

Hi Shanda,
My periods always returned when I finally stopped nursing. But every woman is different. I'll be interested in what everyone has to say.

My period returned after about 2 months, but I only nursed for 2 months with my first too. I know that my cousin whos baby was born a month after mine got hers after about a month as well. I don't htink that it means anything, maybe just that you are a furtle turtle! J/K!
Hi Shanda,
Mine returned within the month too. Everyone said it wouldn't start until I was done nursing, but I disagree since the proof came along 18 months after her brother.:)

Everyone is so different. Some women believe they can't get pregnant while nursing too. Another fallacy.

I did not nurse and with all 3 of my kids it came back within 5-7 weeks. 5 weeks is well within normal range.

congrats on your new baby :)
I nursed until my son was 15 months, and I didn't get my period back before he was 9-10 months...
I nursed for 24 months. My period came back at 7 months. I think it's because I added some solid food at 6 months so it wasn't exclusively breast milk she was eating.

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