How soon after your c-section did you return to working out?


So far my daughter is breeched I hope she turns. But, if she doesn't it'll mean a c-section for me and I'm wondering how soon after that can I start back to working out? thanks.

Hi Shanda,
I has a "surprise" C-Section in October and I was able to work out doing easy stuff around 6 weeks afterward. I didn't always do it, but I was physically able, if not mentally in the frame of mind!! I did the Cindy Crawford "New Dimension" or something like that, which features Kathy Kaehler. It's good, but if you're used to Cathe (and I assume you are!), you'll outgrow it quicker. (I kept mine in case I have another baby.)

Good luck and enjoy your precious bundle on arrival!
Hi Shanda. I had a c-section on March 24th. I had a super easy recovery. I felt great within 2 weeks and was taking short walks by then. By my 4 week post-partum checkup my doctor gave me the go-ahead to resume all normal activities including exercising. I started back in at about the same level as I was at just before having my baby (modified weight work, step and hi/lo aerobics and abs). By 8 weeks post-partum I was back to my pre-pregnancy levels of exercise with the exception of abs. It took a few more weeks to be able to do lower ab work (reverse crunches/bicycle/etc).

Of course it will depend how you feel and how you are recovering and what your doctor says! I was able to exercise my whole pregnancy - my last workout was 2 days before delivering and that workout included ab work. I think that helped my recovery and allowed me to jump back into exercising quickly.

I hope your baby turns before you deliver so don't have to have a c-section!! Good luck!


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