How often do you weigh in?

How often do you weigh in?

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I focus on how my clothes fit. I find the scale can be deceiving as I've increased the amount of weight lifting I do.
I go by my clothes. I don't own a scale, I know I would become a slave to the numbers.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
I try not to weigh myself, but after a streak of particulary bad eating (like this week) I end up punishing myself by getting on the scale.
I generally don't weight myself & mostly go by how my clothes fit. But we do own a scale & I'll weigh occasionally. Right now, the clothes aren't fitting so well. I've been sick & haven't worked out for almost 2 weeks now.:eek: Not to mention, eating terrible (comfort food). But I'll get that back under control once I'm well again. Did it before & I'll do it again... right?

Good question!
BTW, I selected "Other",
I put other. I rarely weigh myself. I go buy how I look and clothes fit. If I feel I am getting particularly thin or gaining quite a lot I pull it out and adjust my workouts and diet accordingly. I used to stand on it evey day years ago and it could be a real mood breaker. I usually weigh before I go to the doctor just to syn the scale.
Cool!! I only ask because many weight plans such as WW and ediets are all about weighing in. Not that they are bad plans I don't think that but it does get confusing. One plan says to weigh in once a week then there is all the controversy, some say go by how your clothes feel and the tape measure, the scale is decieving there are so many outside factors. Then shows like The Biggest Loser are also all about the scale. I love the show but I think it is decieving. If your only goal was to have a trainer, live in a place where your everyday stressors are elimanted and only have to exercise and eat probabley with food provided for you or with help from the trainer of course you lose weight. Add back the stressors work, family, kids, Life in general and then figure it out it gets hard. I just had to rant. Thanks for listening. And for taking my poll.

I hardly use a scale, but do go by the trusty tape measure. My scale also measures body fat (and who knows if that's even right).
I do hit the scale at home daily. BUT... I am on WW so I weigh in at WW on Saturday mornings.

I feel okay with weighing everyday only because it does not frustrate me but keeps me in line and motivated to make sure that scale looks good every Saturday AM.
I should say, ideally once a week, but sometimes it's more like every two weeks. I don't obsess over it, rather think of it as a way of keeping on track.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]
>I only weigh myself if I feel skinny:)

That is the best answer I've heard so far! LOL I think I'm going to have to follow that rule from now on! ;-)

I used to weigh myself 1 or 2x per week. Lately I've gotten in the nasty habit of weighing almost daily and now I can't stop. x(
Rarely to never. After my initial weight lost, I stopped weighing myself. I go by how I feel and how my clothes fit.
Once a week for me. I used to hate it, but I bought a scale recently and doing a weigh in once (sometimes twice) a week has helped me put things in perspective. I still have some weight to lose and I'm losing it a little at a time. That's the way it's supposed to be and the scale lets me know if I'm doing okay or if I should change my diet and/or exercise regimen. Before I owned a scale I took body measurements, but I think the scale works better for me. If I want to skip a workout I just get on the scale and that gives me motivation right away. :eek: :p

I wouldn't do it every single day though because I know our weight changes on a daily basis.
Every couple months or so. I am another who goes by how I feel, look, and how my clothes fit. I spent too many years a slave to the scale & wasn't even paying attention to the numbers for the right reasons.

Age only matters if you're cheese.

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