how much of SJP is on the Timesaver DVD?


Looks like alot of it, but I can't tell for sure. I'm just wondering. wanna try not to sub SJP in the Jan rotation. Can i get away with this by programming the Timesaver DVD? Anybody have chapter breakdowns for Timesaver so I can try this?? Pls help if you can! Thanks. :)
Here you have the breakdown of the timesaver dvd

Body Blast Time Saver DVD

Breakdown of chapters, titles and time:

Workout #1

01-02 00:05-Warm up from Step Jump and Pump
01-04 05:43-Step Combo #1 from Step Jump and Pump
01-05 10:58-Step Combo #2 from Step Jump and Pump
01-06 15:03-Step Combo #3 from Step Jump and Pump
01-07 16:58-Step Combo #4 from Step Jump and Pump
01-08 21:43-Dumbbell Bench Presses from Step Jump and Pump
01-09 24:58-Tricep Overhead Extensions from Step Jump and Pump
01-10 26:54-Pushups from New Footage
01-12 29:51-Triceps Overhead Press right into Kickbacks from New Footage
01-14 32:26-Stretch

Workout #2

19-02 00:06-Warm up from Step Blast
19-04 06:14-Combo #3 from Step Blast
19-05 16:15-Hi/lo #1 from Step Jump and Pump
19-06 20:24-Hi/lo #2 from Step Jump and Pump
19-08 24:51-Deadrows from Step Jump and Pump
19-10 27:10-Double Arm Rows from New Footage
19-12 28:34-Superman on Stability Ball from New Footage
19-14 29:56-Woodchops on Stability Ball from Super Sets
19-16 31:22-Side Bends on Stability Ball from Super Sets
19-18 34:07-Bent Knee roll on Stability Ball from Super Sets
19-20 35:58-Stretch from Step Blast

Workout #3

38-02 00:06-Warm up from Step Jump & Pump
38-03 06:14-Step Combo #1 from Step Blast
38-05 15:47-Step Combo #2 from Step Blast
38-08 26:52-Barbell Curls Step Jump & Pump
38-10 29:01-Preacher Curl w/Step Blast New Footage
38-12 31:33-Abs on Ball
38-13 37:01-Planks on Ball
38-15 38:32-Stretch

Workout #4

55-02 00:06-Warm up from Kick Punch & Crunch
55-04 07:07-Intermediate Intensity Drill from Kick Punch & Crunch
55-05 14:29-High Intensity Drill from Kick Punch & Crunch
55-07 31:26-Shoulders from Step Jump and Pump
55-09 33:55-Upright Rows & Overhead Presses from New Footage
55-11 36:23-Stretch from Kick Punch & Crunch

Workout #5

67-02 00:06-Warm up from Legs & Glutes
67-04 03:49-Leg Press #1 from Legs & Glutes
67-05 05:10-Leg Press #2 from Legs & Glutes
67-06 06:39-Hover Squats from Legs & Glutes
67-07 08:28-Rear Lunges (right side) from Legs & Glutes
67-08 09:09-Plie Squats (1st set) from Legs & Glutes
67-09 09:48-Rear Lunges (left side) from Legs & Glutes
67-10 10:27-Plie Squats (2nd set) from Legs & Glutes
67-12 11:09-Barbell Squats from Step Jump & Pump
67-14 14:36-Kick Butt Lunges (right side) from New Footage
67-15 15:18-One Legged Squats (right side) from New Footage
67-16 16:31-Kick Butt Lunges (left side) from New Footage
67-17 17:02-One Legged Squats (left side) from New Footage
67-19 18:12-Standing Leg Extensions from Legs & Glutes
67-20 21:22-Standing Outer Thigh Lifts from Legs & Glutes
67-21 24:12-Glute Hamstring Tucks from Legs & Glutes
67-22 26:55-Glute Hamstring Raises from Legs & Glutes
67-23 29:05-Outer Thigh & Glutes Sweeps from Legs & Glutes
67-24 31:33-Inner Thigh Lifts from Legs & Glutes
67-26 35:19-Abs from Step Jump & Pump
67-27 40:46-Planks from Step Jump & Pump
67-29 43:21-Stretch from Step Jump & Pump

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)

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