How many times for Pyramid Upper and Lower

I have asked this before however I only received two responses. I wondering for all of you who have done the Pyramid Upper and Lower Body DVD or Tapes how many times a week did you perform it. Was it Twice a Week for Upper Body and Twice A Week for Lower Body? Or Once A Week for Upper And Once A Week for Lower? At this point in time I'm trying to build muscle and I'm wondering what your experiences were for building the muscle? Did you have better results once or twice a week? Also if anyone has done this both ways, and figured out that one or the other was better for them please let me know? I'm currently doing this tape and I'm wondering what would be more efficient for muscle gains? Thank you very much.
I second this. I am using PLB twice a week and PUB (pyramiding up only) once. By the way my arms were KILLING me after this workout and I halfed it! Guess my arms aren't as strong as I thought LOL. Carrying a 30 lb toddler only works certain parts!:7 I've only done this for two weeks so I still yet to see the full results, but I definatley feel differant!!!
Hi Mic,

I have been using PUB atleast twice a week for the past several months. I love this workout and the results that I have gotten from it. I am heavily muscled to begin with, but this workout has given me great definition in my biceps, triceps and shoulders. I love to wear sleeveless shirts now, because I am so proud of my upper body. During the winter months I would try to do PUB 3 times per week. I think this helped me to build the muscle that I wanted and I am maintaining it now. I have not increased my weights in a while and I am too afraid of losing my definition by cutting PUB back to once per week. Logic tells me that I could probably maintain my current muscle by doing PUB once per week along with another upper body workout, but I love PUB so much, I just don't want to change.

In my opinion, if you are wanting to build muscle, you should probably try to use the workouts twice a week. I haven't ever used PLB, because I prefer endurance-type workouts for Lower body. For lower body I use Legs & Glutes. I only use it once per week, because I run alot and my legs get too fatigued if I do this workout more frequently.

This is just what has worked for me.


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