How many HPT's did you do?


The anticipation of knowing that I am pregnant is really killing me. I don't remember having to wait this long with my first child (over 3 yrs ago).

I did a HPT yesterday (Tuesday) and it still showed negative. I did one the day before (Monday) and it showed a very very very faint positive. I am about 18 days past ovulation and have not had a period.

I am trying to make myself wait until the weekend to do another home test, but I just NEED to know NOW. I just did some research online and I realize that it isn't unusual that I have not had a positive test yet.

So how many home tests has everybody done and when did you actually get a positive result.

I gotta get my mind off of this.

Ok, let me try to post this a second time. :) I started testing 8 dpo (days post-ovulation) with my DD and DS. I decided that was a good time based on ovulation, fertilization possiblity, and implantation time frame. I had postive tests at 10 dpo with DD and DS. I tested everyday for a month and then peridically with DD. Well, when I could feel her I stopped completely. With DS, I took several tests the day I had the positive. I had a serum HCG done before my missed period with him and then serial HCGs for a time. I didn't need the urine tests. Your doctor may order a serum HCG since you are late and had a positive Monday but a negative test Tuesday.

Hope to read good news soon!


~I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.~
WWEEELLL LOL I did my first one at 8dpo and got a ++++ I did another brand that night to confirm.. then another brand the next day and then again the 3rd day I did 2.. both the same brand I did the first day (fact plus and answer) and then had my blood drawn yesterday at 11dpo and my hcg was 88.4 and I go again tomorrow for more.. ugh. I was at walmart today and almost bought some more tests.. I think I am If you are 18dpo I would really think it would be + by now. Not 100% sure, but seems it would be. I got a + on 9dpo w/ my DD and 10 dpo was the earliest I tested w/ my son and it was +.
I did my test when I was about 5 days late I think and it was CLEARLY positive! I did about 3 tests after that...about 1 per week until I finally got doctor confirmation on it cause I was so afraid it would mysteriously go away! lol
>I did a HPT yesterday (Tuesday) and it still showed negative.
>I did one the day before (Monday) and it showed a very very
>very faint positive. I am about 18 days past ovulation and
>have not had a period.

I'd say that if you got a positive, no matter how faint - You're pregnant. The darkness, or lightness, of the line may depend on how sensitive the test is. If you get any sign of positive, you're pregnant. If you weren't you wouldn't get any line AT ALL. Any line at all is a result of your body making the pregnancy hormone. I did the exact same thing and then Sandra cleared it up for me and sure enough I was definitely pregnant. Hopefully, someone else will chime in and correct me if I'm wrong.

I don't know if it matters but what test did you take-mine was a First Response? You may want to check the company's website to see if they offer you any more insight. Hopefully, that will help.

Keep us posted and Good Luck:)


I forgot to ask, did you use first morning urine both times?
Um - from one peeing on a stick fanatic to another check out for pics of positives from all companies and what the ladies have found reliable. I took my hpt with this pregnancy at day 16 past ovulation and got a positive, but in the 10 months prior (yes I'm a freak) to my pregnancy I took them alot - sigh... even when I knew it would be negative, just in hopes, and NEVER got even a slight positive. The only positives I have heard of on from other women that were in fact negatives, was when they waited WAY past the time frame a positive would come up - like 10 hours later, pulled back out of the garbage can. Something about way afterwards happens to them and they can show a positive at times. For what it's worth, as you probably know, TCOYF says 18 dpo is a good sign of pregnancy - not to give you false hope, but hope never-the-less. Are you taking your temps, and are your temps still high? And what is your normal lp? If you have normal cycles, and a shorter lp than 18 days (which almost all women do) then you have a very good chance of being pg - good luck and let us know what the outcome is. If it's not your time this go around, we'd love to help cheer you on! :)
I took my first test at 18 DPO, first thing in the morning after my temp was still high. It was obviously positive right away. I took another one every morning for the next 10 days :) The only one that was less obvious was a different brand (ClearBlue Easy, I think). I took that one one afternoon and it was not as obvious as the others. I freaked out but all was fine.

Best of luck to you! I hope you get some confirmation soon!
Julie is correct. Here is my response to a previous post:

"Urine pregnancy tests, such as HPTs (Home Pregnancy Tests), should have a timeframe for reading. For example, the tests used at the clinic are read after 5 minutes. Results read after 10 minutes are considered invalid. This is because the second line (positive line) MAY darken over time even in negative tests. So, a test that is negative may develop a faint line as the tests ages. If you tested within the appropriate timeframe, then it sounds like you have a positive pregnancy test.

There are false positives, which can be caused by certain meds, marijuana, LH (the hormone detected with ovulation predictor kits), to name a few causes."

Clinically, I have seen false positives. I have also seen positive tests, and the woman start her menses a few days later.

If you continue to test negative and know approx. when you ovulated, I would call the doctor.


Thanks ladies for all of your responses. In the back of my mind I knew that I should have had an overwhelmingly positive test by now, but I couldn't explain why I was so late.

Anyway, I still can't explain it, but Mother Nature caught up and I am not pregnant.

You all are killing me with your compulsiveness about taking so many tests when they were all coming out positive!!! I got a good giggle.

This is only our 2nd month TTC, so my DH isn't too disappointed about having to continue our efforts. I haven't read TCOYF yet, but I have been intending to get it.

Thanks Again,

Hi Tina,

I experienced something similar to you, and as it turned out, my cycles in the past few years have become longer than the standard 28 days. DH and I were TTC around day 14 of my cycle, but I wasn't ovulating until at least a week later. When I picked up TCYOF I learned to track my ovulation and we were successful within 2 cycles (I ovulated on day 21 that cycle).

I hope you are successful soon!

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