How many Girl Scout cookies did you eat today?

How many Girl Scout cookies did you eat today?

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Those All Abouts have three and half grams of saturated fat---per cookie! They just make me so happy with their messages of caring, sharing, and friendship. I can't stop ...
Girl Scout cookies came & went 3 weeks ago for us. I ate a whole sleeve of mint cookies by myself one that week! BAD ME, BAD ME! No wonder I can't lose weight. LOL
I know many of you will find this incredible, but when they come to my door I very sweetly tell them that the cookies are unhealthy and that I do not eat them. The adult (usually overweight) looks annoyed while the girl looks interested in the opinion. I have not eaten a Girl Scout cookie in many years.
Good for you, I haven't either. Being polite is the key and maybe these little girls, as you pointed out, will "think" about your opinion!!!

One of my biggest frustrations is the people at the banks, stores, and at church who continually hand out candy to children. We give our children NO sugar or sugared items such as cookies (at least it's extremely rare) and I'm always tempted to print out little cards which require the adults handing this junk out to sign at the dotted line.

I promise to pay all dental and medical bills incurred by this child as I am the person responsible for the dental decay and the breakdown of the immune system of this child.


BUT....I haven't had the guts yet!!

I tell them I have no use for the cookies but then I make a small contribution. ($5.00) They usually appreciate that. Same with the giant chocolate bars many school fund raisers use.
No girl scouts have been to my door with my beloved thin mints yet. I have to say no or else I'll eat them all by myself then feel bad about it. That would ruin my new cleaner eating run anyway. :9
Yesterday I ate 2 of the Choco/Peanut Butter Tagalongs! My dear DH bought 6 boxes.... uuurrrrgggghhhh! He promised to take them to work tomorrow. So far today I haven't had any.
I always like to help out, so this time I bought my least favorite: Shortbread. I was carrying them around in the car for about a week, thinking "maybe a street person on the corner would like them."

But today one of the girls' tables had a Ronald McDonald House box for donated cookies. They were keeping track of what kind of cookie and how many boxes was donate on a list so they wouldn't re-sell them. I hope the girl gets some kind of badge for thinking of this (even if her parents helped the thought process along.)

Nadine Happiness is an Attitude
Being a elementary school music teacher, I get hit from all sides from these little Girl Scout munchkins. I buy the cookies anyway and straight to the teacher's lounge they go!!

Susan G.
Hi Gretchen!

Good to see you here! I forgot all about Girl Scout cookies since we don't have them here in the middle of nowhere. Guess I'll have to stock up next time I'm at the grocery store}(


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