How many egg whites is safe?


Hi there,

I realize that most (if not all?) the cholesteral is in the yolk of the egg...but how many egg whites is it safe to eat in a day?

When I make egg white omelettes I usually make them with 5 egg whites, and sometimes I'll make an egg white oatmeal pancake on the same day upping my egg white intake to 9 or 10 in one day.

Could someone tell me, is that harmful to the health?
Oh gosh, what to do, what to do! my egg white oatmeal pancake and skip my omelettes?! x( :)

Anyone have any idea how many egg whites a day is safe? I don't want to egg myself out! ;)
Hi August!

I don't really know the answer to your question but my guess would be that you can eat as many as you want depending on how they're prepared. I realize that the yolk contains the fat and cholesterol, but they also contain MOST of the nutrients. Limit yourself to the whites if you want, but unless you have a problem with high cholesterol I wouldn't exclude the yolks from my omlette. I believe 2 egg whites equal 1 whole egg. Just my 2 cents:)

Your cardio hatin pal,
I think you'll be fine! I use eat that much at least everyday and I only had to pluck a feather here and there....such a small price to pay for a good source of lean protein.

Really, I use to eat that much in day. I even included a whole egg to 4 whites.
Thanks you guys! I just finished my delicious oatmeal egg white pancake and will be having my egg white omelette this evening knowing that I won't be getting egg white disease ;) .

I'll look out for those feathers. :)

And you know what, Michele, I actually hate the taste of egg yolk! So even if the yolk didn't have anything bad for you in it, I wouldn't want to eat it anyway!
how about eating the whole egg? including the york, which also contains all the minerals and stuff we need, plus the fat which actually helps to digest the protein.
eating eggs has never been shown to increase cholesterol, the study that did was done on powered, dried egg yolk, which is heated and damanged fat.
please, eat the whole egg.
What is your recipe for the White Oatmeal Pancake?

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
If you're used to regular pancakes, this might take some getting used to, but if you're into healthy-tasting food, this is so delicious!!

Banana Oatmeal Eggwhite Pancake

5 egg whites
30 grams oatmeal (uncooked)
100 grams (approx 1 med) banana (I like them sliced on the thick side)

8 grams organic peanut butter
Cooking spray

Beat the egg whites and then mix in the oatmeal and dash of cinnamon. Then cut up the banana and mix that in, too. Spray your pan and make your pancake! (You might put the lid on it for a bit since it's a bit difficult to turn over.)

When it's done, put the peanut butter on it and chow down!

Cal = 300
C = 37 grams
P = 23 grams
F = 6 grams
fiber = 5 grams

It's a great post-cardio recovery meal. It's approximately a 50/30/20 split. Hope you like it! I'm absolutely addicted to it and it drives me to get my cardio done so I can eat it ;-) !

P.S. You can also sub the banana with 1/2 cup strawberries + 1/4 cup blueberries, and that's really good, too.
Hi, Debbie,

Sometimes I do 9 egg whites in a day, too, and I started to wonder if that might not be so good for me.

Thanks for the reassurance!

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