how long to wait?


How long did you all wait to begin working out after you had your babies?I had a baby boy on Feb. 15-he weighed 8 lbs.4 oz! So far all I have done is feed him:9 ;-) .He is 3.5 weeks old and has already gained 1 lb.15 oz.!! I was just curious how long it is reccommended to wait.;-)
Congratulations! Sounds like your little guy is growing almost as fast as my son did. He was 8.7 at birth and gained 2 lbs by his 1 week checkup!

It's hard to remember when I started working out after my first pregnancy as that was 6 1/2 years ago. I would imagine that I waited the whole 6 weeks, unless I was walking. I was pretty new to working out back then and would have been taking things much slower. With my daughter, I started at 2 weeks postpartum. I eased back into things slowly, and by 3-4 weeks, was doing the Cross Train Express Series (Brand new out at the time). The bleeding did pick up a little but not a lot when I started working out.

Hope that helps!
I waited 5.5 weeks. A lot of women on this forum seem to start sooner, but for me, even with a normal pregnancy and birth, I felt it was good to wait for a while and let my body adjust. Plus I was so tired (as I'm sure you are)! Listen to your body and please don't push yourself into too much too soon. I started with really low impact highly modified workouts. Congratulations on your little bebe! What did you name him?
Thanks for your reply.We named him Ashton Barrett.So far I have only done one 3.5 mile walk and it felt much harder than it use too;) !
Hi and welcome to this forum, we look foward to you joining us soon in our postpartum check ins. I began walking at about 2 weeks and at 3 weeks added sime workouts I did while pregnant, my first postpartum workout was stepping through pregnancy.At about this time, i also added buns of steel postpartum tape. I kept all workout low imact and used very light weights in workouts until my 6 week check up.
Your doctor should be able to answer this question. I remember my doctor telling me to wait 6 weeks before working out. He also gave me a good test to determine if you are doing too much. If your blood flow increases or turns the brighter red color, you are doing too much. Take your time and let your body heal.
Hi everyone.
I had a baby girl in August and she weighed 9.5lbs! Pretty big for my first child. I gained 75lbs during pregnancy and when i came home and weighed myself, i hardly lost any weight from the delivery. My size made me very depressed and i started working out 1 week after delivery. I have to say that is too early, but i was very unhappy with the way i looked. I lost 40lbs in 3 weeks. The rest of the weight did not come off so easily. I am still working on the last 10lbs.
I would think waiting the 6 weeks is best before training but every body is different.

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