How long to wait?


Hi everyone,
I just want to ask how long I should wait between going off the pill and trying to get pregnant. I know some doctors say to wait three months but other doctors say that's over doing it and it doesn't really matter. Are there some medical facts I should know before I jump right in, some legitimate reasons why I should wait that long or is it okay for me to just start trying right away? Thanks for any help!
I say go for it. Now, I'm not a medical professional in any way but I know of many people who have gotten pregnant shortly after getting off the pill. I wonder if they recommend waiting just so your body will have the chance to balance out. Maybe they don't want your hopes getting up too much. I'm just speculating of course. Good luck to you!!

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and.......

Littlest one due on February 24, 2002
Hi Brinley,
Last year when I decided to try to become pregnant again, my ob-gyn told me to stop my birth control pill and wait until I had one period and then after that I could start trying. But don't forget, when you stop the pill you will immediately have a period ( 3 or 4 days after you stop it). This period DOES NOT count because it is due to you stopping the pill. The next real period is the one that counts. Does that make sense? Anyway, that's just what my ob-gyn told me.

As it turns out, I decided to not have another baby so I went back on my pill.

Hope this helps. Good luck to you.

When I decided to get pregnant my doctor told me that I did not need to wait. Unfortunately for me when I did finally go off my cycle was anything but normal. So my best advice it go for it, but don't get too discouraged if it doesn't happen right away, your body may need time to adjust.


Hey everyone,
Thanks for all the advise! I actually didn't have that mini-period either this time or another time I thought I might be ready to try. When I went off once before, I actually started my period the next month almost as if I were still on the pill, so I guess my body is pretty adjusted that way. Made it really easy to pick up taking the pill again about where I had left off. I've been taking them for years and years now, maybe my body just thinks it's normal.

I still wonder if there's anything medical I should know or if it's just to get yourself regular. I don't really understand why I would need to let my body adjust to doing things naturally if I'm just going to change all that anyway! Obviously, pregnancy is a very natural thing but it really does throw your body out of whack!
Oh, do you mean if you stop in the middle of a pack instead of finishing it first? When I thought I might try once before, I finished the pack and went for a month without. I decided to go back on by the time I had a full blown period again so I just started back up where I had left off.

I've heard it's always a good thing to wait till you finish your pack to make sure your body doesn't get completely confused so that's what I'm trying. I'm just wasn't sure how many periods I should allow to pass before diving in. I think it sounds like good advice to let one period go by and then start, I think that's what I'll probably do. Thanks!
When I had my son, my ob said I didn't have to wait after getting off the pill. I stopped taking the pill August 10th and was pregnant by September 9th. After that, hubby and I decided that we must be pretty fertile and had better be careful ;-)

If you haven't had a preconception checkup, I really recommend doing so. It's a good opportunity to ask any questions you have such as the folic acid, getting off the pill, etc. It's also a good idea so you can make sure that you have all the necessary immunizations, discuss any medications besides birth control that you're taking and whether you need to be off them for any certain length of time, etc.
Wow ChristinaK, you really are fertile! Somehow I'm getting the feeling I might be highly fertile too, guess we'll see. That pre-conception visit makes sense, I probably ought to make an appointment. Thanks for sharing and for the advice :) !
When I wanted to go off the pill to get pregnant, my OBGYN told me to wait 2-3 months to have 2-3 normal periods before trying. She said it didn't have anything to do with the pill causing birth defects but for the sheer reason of being able to know when ovulation takes place inorder to predict your pregnancy due date (if you become pregnant right away). I know every doctor has their own opinion about this though.

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