How long to get through first video?


Active Member
I am going to be buying the Body Blast series with Christmas money that I get. I have never done any Cathe videos before, and used to do Firm videos way back when. My current level of fitness I would say is low. I had my first child a year ago, and have taken off all of my baby weight, and now am working on losing the rest of the weight I have been carrying, but haven't been exercising regularly. My question is, which video should I start working on first out of the Blast series and How long do you think it will take me to get through the whole thing? Thanks for your input!
I used to do the Firm videos too. I think Cathe's are much more intense. Which video to start with? Hard to say depending on if you want to focus on aerobics or weights? I would say Step, Jump and Pump as it is a combination of aerobics and weights, but it is about 46 minutes long. Depending on your fitness level the aerobic segments can be difficult.It seems reading the posts takes some time to get thru the tapes. You might give some thought to the CTX series as the workouts are a bit shorter. Just my two cents..:) I am sure there will be more posts!...Carole
The CTX series is wonderful, but very intense. If your fitness level is low, then start with one of Cathe's older cardio videos. I'd suggest Step Heat, Get In Shape For Your Wedding, MegaStep Blast or Step Max. These are also intense, but Cathe repeats the sequences several times and breaks the moves down very thoroughly. Once you progress through these, CTX will be great.

Have Fun,


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