How long should I use PowerHour in a rotation?


Active Member
I have never really used rotations in the past. But I'm trying to change that. I've been using MIS for about 8 weeks. ( I do Cathe's cardio workouts 4 times a week) I recently purchased Powerhour and just wanted to know if 6 weeks is too long. Or should I use the two programs together. Anyway help would be appreciated:

Cathe told me to do a rotation as long as I was seeing results. Some people do a rotation for only a week or 2 others for 6-8 weeks.
She had told me once with MIS and PH I could do MIS 2 times a week and Power Hour 1 time a week for 4-6 weeks then switch and do Power 2 times and MIS once for 4-6. I had nice results doing that.
Hope this helps you. Susan
Hi. I love powerhour but burn out on it quickly. I do a 3 week rotation and then a 2 week circuitmax rotation and then 3 weeks S&H.

For each of these rotations I do 3 or 4 cardio (including 1 or 2 Imax) and depending on the week LL as well.

Good luck with Power HOur - it's tough but you'll love it!
I think that 6 weeks is fine as long as you don't get bored and are feeling challenged. Since you last did MIS and are now doing PH you may want to consider mixing those up with a more strength oriented workout for your next rotation or sometime in the future. I did MIS for a long time and then PH, but I did not notice serious strength gains until I started on a PS rotation.

Good luck and enjoy your workouts.

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