how long does every one here work out


how long does every one here work out ?6 days? 1 hour aday! whats your worktime?i dont have a workout partener wish i did but i workout bymyself it gets lonely and i go to church by my self that gets lonly too but i think going to church and working out wont get done unless i do it by myself still gets lonely though
i am also by myself except for my cat. i workout 6x a week for an hour. if i have the day off i w/o 2-3 hrs-cardio,upper/lower body,and/or abs. maybe even do p90x yogax in morn and kb in evening. have u tried taking dancing lessons? i have met tons of people from going to the studio for 7+ yrs. its a blast and is a great w/o.

That was a good answer! LOL

If I am doing cardio its an hour but if I am doing weights and cardio then it could be 90 mins to 2 hours. If its 2 hours, its broken up b/c the baby usually doesn't sleep that long. If Im doing legs, I will work them in the morning and run in the afternoon. Everything else I do in the morning when he is taking his nap.I like getting it done and out of the way. Also, the morning is when I have the most energy.

I work out an hour a day 6 days a week. I alternate cardio and weights. I do circuit training for weights though.
I do 2 days of cardio (1 step, 1 not step) about an hr a day, followed by a day of full body weights - a little more than an hr. Repeat til body says it needs a day off - about every 2 wks or so. I also try to walk the dog every day - doesn't alway happen do to work/family/American Idol. And try to walk the dog 2x on the weekends. Once in the morn and again after dinner. Doggie walks can be any where from around the block to the whole neighborhood. Don't have a workout buddy - no one needs to see my pudge jumping around. The doggie walks normally happen as a family.

As for church, I don't go, but maybe your church has some social organizations? Or maybe you can start one. A book club, tea time, walking, working out, shopping??
I work out between 1 and 2 hours. Usually it is about an hour and a half. I work out 5 days a week. I take weekends off but we are always golfing or playing tennis so I usually get some type of fun exercise in in the week ends.
Usually walk for 1 hour and do higher intensity cardio for 1 hour 5 days/weeks. On 4 of those day. I'll add about 1/2 to and hour of weights. I'm single and I workout alone. I like working out alone. I'm too afraid I might fall or fart or find someway to embarass myself if I had a workout partner. If you need a workout partner for motivation, maybe you could find someone at your church to workout with or start church exercise/walking group. Just a suggestion.
Ideally, I work out 5-6 days a week for about an hour each time (some workouts might be 45 minutes, others might be 90 minutes, but most are around 50-60 minutes).

I usually start my workout around 5-6 p.m. (I'm not even up at that time in the a.m.!), though sometimes as late as 7, and sometimes earlier (especially on the weekends).

My 3 cats are my only workout partners, but I prefer to workout on my own, because I can do what I want, at my own pace, and I compete only against myself and don't get distracted by what someone else is doing.

Once nice thing about workout DVD's: you don't have to feel like you're working out alone, but are part of a small class.

Thinkgod: most churches have different social activities and groups, maybe you could get involved in one? Or maybe even start a church fitness group, that would meet to go for walks or something?
It depends on my schedule--some days I do an hour of cardio in the am & 1.5 hours of lifting in the pm. On weekends I'll do 2 hours straight. Probably it averages out to something like 2 hours a day, 5 days a week.
every day..... at least an hour....

workdays it's an hour or more (depending on the workout... i.e. a lot of cathe's are longer than and hour..)

weekends (and holidays) i ride my bike (sometimes for 7, 8, 10 hours depending on the ride!) and on some weekends i'll go for a ride AND do another workout... like cathe or jari

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I work out 6 days a week. I work out at 5 am and alternate cardio one day and weights the next (usually 45 to 60 min., sometimes longer, depends on which DVD). After that 20 min of yoga every other day and 20 min of stretching in the pm on alternate days.

I also take my dogs for walks/walk-runs almost every day for 45 to 60 min.

After that I REALLY need that rest day on Sunday :)

I work out 5-6 days a week, for about an hour a day. 2-3 days are running, 1 day is Yoga, and whatever's left over is strength training, circuits, and other cardio. :) I work out by myself most of the time, except when I take a class at the gym. I never feel lonely - I really enjoy spending that time with myself. :)
Hello Everyone!

I work out 6 days a week with Cathe! I wake up at 5AM and do this (but not on Saturdays-----more like 8AM).

I do Step on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
I do Kickbox on Saturdays.
Tuesdays and Thursdays I do Core Max.

I feel great!

Good luck to everyone!


Life is too short - Be the best you can be every single day!
I workout 6 days a week for about 60 - 90 minutes.

I follow Cathe's monthly rotations and try not to deviate too much from what she has planned . It keeps me honest with myself and it's just easier to know which wo I'll be doing.
4 to 5 days per week, yoga 1-2 times per week, the remainder is all weight training, no cardio.

6 days per week, usually around 45 minutes of cardio in the mornings [5:30 am or so] and 20 or so minutes in the evening of weights and/or core work.

I wo alone as well -- wouldn't have it any other way. Sometimes my roommate will join me when I do Core Max, but I am better at it than she do I like that, LOL!}(
That depends on all sorts of variables for me but I can work out for as little as 20 min up to 2 hours per day. I probably average an hour per day over all. I work out 6 days a week the majority of the time. :)
30 min to 70 min a day, around 5 days a week, give or take 2 days. If I work out longer than an hour, it usually isn't really work out time but procrastination time. More than that gets too unwieldy and I don't want to do it.

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