how long before i can tell?


Sunday started my 5th week of working out with Cathe for 6 days a week. I have lost about 1lb a week but its not noticable. about how much do i need to lose before i can tell by looking in the mirror? I weigh about 207 right now.
Well, you certainly won't notice 5 lbs. You may start seeing something after 10 lbs. You really do need to be patient.
Did you take measurements or body fat percentage before you began? Most of the time that is the true testament instead of the scale. As you gain more muscle you will shrink in size even if the scale does not budge.

Keep up the good work! It will all pay off for you.
I have been working out with Cathe just about the same amount of time as you. I am starting to see results, I have gone from 126 down to 120. That is about 5% of my bodyweight lost and I am just beginning to see a change. I would say when you get to about a 5% loss you will be able to tell in the mirror. Till then I would focus on how fantastic you must be feeling! I know it's hard cause I want more results quicker too, but I am being patient knowing that it takes time to build a muscle!!
>Well, you certainly won't notice 5 lbs. You may start seeing
>something after 10 lbs. You really do need to be patient.

Im just wondering. Im not in a hurry. I know 1-2 pounds a week is what I am aiming for and so far so good.
You are doing wonderfully - slow and steady wins the race.

Be patient, don't get discouraged, know that everyone notices results at different rates, and post here for encouragement or advice when you need it.

One day you are going to put your pants on and say "OH MY GOSH!":)
Hey what about the things you can't see in a mirror? You're 5 weeks in? That is so awesome, what an accomlishment.

Besides the beautiful glow to our skin we get from exercise we also get that great feeling inside because we know we're doing something so wonderful for our bodies.

You're already a success in my book, keep up the good work and the weight will melt away.

I just wanted to add that you should take measurements. I have been working out with Cathe for a couple of months and I have not seen much weight loss. What I did do was take measurements and I have lost in inches. To me that is waaay better than a number on the scale. I don't even weigh myself very much because it is discouraging. If I do weigh myself I have to turn right around and measure so that I know that I am really making progress. If you are losing at a pound or two a week, you are doing great! Keep it up,and good luck. You will get there.:)
5 weeks of dedicated exercise-Fantastic!! 5 pounds is also great. I agree with the others you may not see alot of physical changes right away, but I'm sure you are seeing other benefits. Also, you are right to do things slow and easy. Just keep up at a pace you can tolerate and you will get there. Come here frequently for motivation. Sites like this have helped me keep at this for over three years.

take care
Congratulations on losing a pound per week! I have no idea how long it will take or how much weight is required for you to see results but you have passed the 4 to six week mark so know that you are laying down muscle and increasing your cardiovascular endurance, conditioning your heart. You are doing a wonderful job and I encourage you to continue and to join us in the check in. Let us know how you are progressing and we can, as Catherine says, motivate each other. You are at a point where working out is a habit and 1 pound per week is a safe way to lose weight. As you lay down muscle which weighs more than fat, you may see the scale go up again before it goes down. But do not be discouraged. Muscle weighs more but takes up less space and it burns calories! Don't rely on the scale alone for as I said at times there are normal weight flucuations which can be disconcerting. Instead note how your body is changning how your clothes are fitting. I suggest weighing yourself once per week at the same time, preferably the mornign since we weigh less in the moring before we eat and drink. You are doing a amazing job!
Let us know how you are progressing. In the future, when someone poses that question, you can give the answer based on the knowledge you arae gaining right now. Isn't that wonderful? It is and so are you! ")
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
As the others have said it will take a while to lose "weight" but you will see results. Do your best to take measurements of yourself. That is a better way to measure.
Keep it up and you will do great! It took me a year to lose 30 lbs and keep it off in a healthy fashion, and that includes gaining lean muscle mass.
Im feeling good right now

not to keep the thread going... but today one of my coworkers walks up to me and said.. please dont take this the wrong way but, your butt looks smaller! :) Im pretty happy right now.
RE: Im feeling good right now

Keep it going! ;) That's wonderful. I hope you are so proud of yourself for the dedication and hard work. I'm proud of you. I just love these forums. You are inspirational and I thank you for that. :)
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
RE: Im feeling good right now

HOw could anyone take "your butt looks smaller" the wrong way! Keep working out:)

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