How I'm doing


That is so sweet of you to ask, are you sure you
want to know.(hee-hee)I'm counting down days 12 to be exact woo-hoo cx's are 3.5 to 1 min 75%
effaced and 2 cm dialated but really I don't have
any other sign like pain, I am so anxious and excited that I can hardly sleep, I know I'm like
a watched pot that will never boil because I can't
think of anything else. I'm still walking daily
which is kind of nice and daydreaming while I'm doing it, in someways it doesn't seem like I'm even pregnant until I try to bend over.
I hope everyone is doing well and exercising it does help even on those days you don't feel like it, after you get going you feel much better after, don't ya think take care and good luck I hope giving a birth announcement who knows as unpredictable as kids are I could go over.
((((hugs)))) to all
12 days to GO!!!!

Just wanted to wish you the best Jessica. How exciting. Lots of thoughts & prayers coming your way. We'll be checking this thread in 12 days!!
Hi Jessica!

(singing....ANTICIPATION....)Oh how exciting. Lots of luck to you and be sure to keep us posted with your wonderful news.

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