How heavy on the squats



Hello everyone,
I am new to your board, and I thank of all you who have been so kind to answer my questions and give such good recommendations on cathe's videos.
I have another question and that is how heavy do most of you do on the squats. Im use to going heavy at the gym (from my completed BFL challenge) but Im not sure about pure strength and MIC. I have a 60 pound squat barbell, which I do okay with, but Im thinking I don't need to go that heavy with cathe's video's. On the other hand her upperbody strength is super tough so I use dumbbell instead. Does anyone have any suggestions for me.

Thanks in advance

Hi Ange,
I currently use 50 pounds for the PS Series squats. I guess it also depends on if you want to build more muscle. I have heard Cathe suggest to use a lighter weight if you don't want to build, but just have endurance.

The others here will give you good suggestion, they are really helpful and give good advice.

I noticed that you just completed the BFL program.
I just started the eating program. How did you like it?

I hope this helps.

I go by 2 things

Hi Ange,
I also work out at the gym and find my weights differ at home due to the speed, pace and the lack of cool equipement that spots me and keeps me safe at the gym.

The one other thing that will influence your squat weight is whether or not you have a squat rack for assitance. If you don't, you will be limited with what you can lift over your head safely.

At home I have to listen more closely to my form and challenge test

I use a weight that I feel comfortable with, one that I can maintain good form througout the entire movement...that's first and foremost.

Next I determine if I am challenged with the weight. If I can complete all the reps and sets that Cathe does with real good form...I increase my weight slightly to feel challenged but stay within the same reps....always looking to increase and grow to get the most out of these tapes.

It may take you a couple of run throughs with the PS tapes to adjust your starting weights at home, but it is worth the time and's a great alternating rotation with my gym routine.

Being that you are an experienced gym lifter..I know I didn't tell you anything you didn't already know
, but a tip from someone who likes to lift heavy, you might look around for an inexpensive squat rack to help you feel more challenged as you grow with these tapes.

For Squats I use...

a 65 pound barbell with no problem at all (unless I am doing the Firm's Standing Legs). Then I must pyramid down a little by the video's end.

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