How does this schedule look?


I'm wondering if I'm working out enough for weight loss. Here's my schedule for the week:

Mon : CTX cardio/PS CTS
Tues : CTX cardio/30 min Power Yoga
Wed : CTX cardio/PS BBA
Thurs : Spinning
Fri : Leaner Legs
Sat : 1 hr Power Yoga
Sun : Off

Glancing at some posts it seems like I'm not working out nearly as much as some people. Like alot of you, I've got these last 10-15 lbs I'm trying to lose. My eating is pretty clean, and I generally allow myself a free meal per week (usual pizza and beer). I hover around 1300 cals/day except on that free day when it probably jumps up to close to 2000.
Your schedule looks good to me. You are hitting all you bodyparts at least once a week, and doing cardio most days. I wonder, are you sure you are eating enough? 1300 calories seems pretty low on a daily basis. I think for the most part that most recommendations advise staying above 1500 calories a day. Afterall, you don't want to go into starvation mode! But, only you know how you are feeling and if you are eating enough. I don't think you need to compare your routine to those posted on the forums since everyone has such different bodies and different formulas. As long as things are working for you I say, keep up the good work!
I did something very similar to your rotation, but I ate 1800-2000 calories a day. I still lost inches. When doing PS, you have to eat enough to build up your new muscles! Make sure you eat enough. I was eating 1300 calories and ended up in the hospital - be careful!
That looks like a schedule I would do so it looks well rounded to me! I know a lot of people exercise tons more, but I just can't get into that. I'd rather do it at my own pace, when I want to. Just make sure to mix up your schedule! Try jogging or something too (yoga feels great after a run!)

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