How does ME compare to PowerHour?

I think ME is easier for every muscle except biceps and abs. It's very similar, generally, but just a tad easier.

Rather than break down Power Hour (since I'm sure you've probably checked the descriptions and the clip), I'd just say that they are similar in the fact that they are both endurance-style workouts with high reps; but they feel very different to me. Because PH is choreographed to the music (one song per body part), it flows really well and just seems like a typical total body workout. ME is broken up more, so it seems a little disjointed to me at times. I enjoy both DVD's, alhough I didn't like ME at first. It was TOO scattered, I thought. However, now I almost prefer it over PH, BECAUSE it is a little scattered! I never remember what to expect with it, whereas PH I almost have memorized.
Lower body:
Squats in both ME and PH: ME squats are about 3 min long and use only traditional quats. PH squats are about 7 min long and use both traditional and plies. Imho, PH's squats are much more exhausting.
ME and PH both have lunge segments, PH's is longer and tougher imho.
The squat and lunge segments are the only lower body work in PH, ME contains 3 sets of leg presses, as well as a set of glute raises. If you do the lower body only premix on the ME/BC DVD, it's quite a nice, time efficient lower body workout.
Chest: PH uses a barbell, ME does not. The push ups in ME are a challenge, but I think the chest work in PH is tougher.
Back: ME contains a new move called the clean and press. I really like it. I think the back work in ME is tougher than PH. I think Cathe goes heavier for one-armed rows in ME than in PH, so you could go heavier in PH to make it more of a challenge.
Shoulders: PH's shoulder segment is so fun. I love it. Cathe does a variety of moves. In ME, she does a variety too and uses 5's and 8's. I use 8's and 10's and like the way this feels more. Overall, I think PH's delts' segment is tougher.
Biceps: ME is toughets, hands down. A 20# bb might sound light, but don't let that fool ya.
Triceps: PH triceps segment is a fryer, as Cathe would say. You do lying bb extensions, stand for kickbacks, then go back and do more extensions. ME's tricep segment is nice, just not as tough.
Abs: ME has my favorite Cathe ab segment of all time. PH's is a nice, short routine, but it isn't 'intense', whereas, I think ME's is.
Hope this helped!

I have both and I think PH seems a little harder than ME (I am sure the lunges are longer). I enjoy both but I think PH is the better one. In fact, I think Cathe's older tapes are a little bit better than the newer ones.

I stick mostly with MIS, BodyMax, Interval Max, MIC, etc. I just prefer the format and I also there is less equipment used.

Although, I do think PUB/PLB are great.

Hi all - I think that Power Hour is tougher. I know that it's an endurance workout, but if you go a bit heavier it sure makes it challenging! It really is worth getting this one, even though you already have Muscle Endurance. Power Hour is my favorite weight workout. Good luck and have fun!


wow Jillybean
whata breakdown I think Me is harder too! used to hate it but really enjoy it now Have power hour like it too!

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