How do you?...............

How do you try to keep into working out when the baby gets up early and you work full time? I am having extreme difficult times trying to work out anymore. I get up around five and I am lucky if he is not up soon afterward anymore, by the time he goes to bed at night around 8 - it is too late if I want to go to bed at a decent time. WHAT DO I DO????????????????????? ANYONE!!!!!;
Can your husband help out with the baby? If so, then this would free up some time for you in the evening to work out say for 30 min. That would be enough time to the CTX series for upper body doing 2 body parts at a time & getting it in. My husband used to always help me out so that I could go & work out because he knew if I wasn't happy then nobody in the house would be happy. Know what I mean? HTH, Kathy;-)
I could have been the one writing this post not too long ago. Personally, I can not be a morning exerciser. If I exercised in the morning I would not give it my all. Instead my husband watches our son every night for an hour while I get in my workouts. It helps out tremendously. Another option is to workout at 8 or whenever your baby goes to bed or have your husband bring the baby to bed with him in the morning so you can have your time. I find that if I don't make time for myself then no one else will. It does not hurt to have your husband watch him/her for an hour, instead it should be considered bonding time. Why should we do it all the time? Good luck!
Hang in there. How old is your baby? My son is 6 months and has the same sleeping schedule as yours. He gets up anywhere between 5:30-6:30am and goes to bed between 8:00-8:30pm. I use to be an AM exerciser (religoulsy) but now I exercise once he is in bed. Yes, I am tired too since I work all day but I find that once I get started, I'm OK. You also have to allow yourself "I'm too tired" days and take the day off but pick back up the next day.

Hope that was helpful.

Boy, I know what you mean too. I was used to working out after my job each day around 5:00 p.m., then came baby. I absolutely had to either get used to 4:45 a.m. or 9:00 p.m. I tried both and found that I preferred night workouts. A lot of housework has not gotten done the last few years and I should definitely be cleaning rather than working out from 9:00 - 10:00. I have had a lot of guilt and anxiety due to this but I finally decided that I have more anxiety when I don't fit in the exercise. So definitely try to find a time that works for you and fit it in. Good luck.
Thanks everyone. I guess I will try working out at night. How much after working out do you go to sleep. Does it keep you up? I did a half hour in this am!!! I guess I will have to alternate am and pm depending on if I work late! Thanks everyone!
Here's what worked for me recently -
I'd get up at 5am and nurse(drinking 4-6 ounces of orange Juice(quickly absorbed by your body to give it some energy) while I nursed - and often times slept). I'd force myself to workout immediately afterward. My goal was 50-60 minutes, but I thought if I only get 1/2 an hour it's good. Try to remind yourself 'it WILL get better/easier' but it takes time. Be good to yourself. It would be a great relief for you if your hubby would assume full responsibility for the baby during that time. Maybe even have him put the baby back to bed after you nurse. Good luck.

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