How do you use the IS?


After reading a post asking about the IS series got me thinking on how you use it in a rotation?

This is what I've been doing the past 3 weeks ..1 more week to go before I change my rotation

Since I'm following a modified version of Body for life: I only own DVD Vol.1 & Vol.3 should I be looking at getting the rest in the series?

Weeks 1&3

M,W & F= PUB
TUes,Thurs Imax2 intervals 1-5

Weeks 2 & 4
TUes,Thurs Imax2 intervals 1-5
Sat 20 minute HIT on treadmill

What are your rotations using the IS series?
Care to share?
Do I understand your rotation correctly? You only do PUB during one week, then do PLB the following week? I'd recommend you do both in a week; maybe PLB Monday, PUB Wednesday, PLB Friday, then switch for the following week.

I'm on a differnt rotation, but when I was on an Intensity Rotation, I would do Boot Camp on Tuesday, ME on Thursday (or vice versa) , then PLB on Saturday and PUB on Sunday. I'd fill in some of the other days with cardio, being sure to take 1 or 2 days off. You could also do PLB and PUB once a week (on consecutive days, or with a cardio day between), and ME once a week.
Whoops my bad, I had meant to say that on
weeks 1 & 3
Mon and Fri are PUB
then the reverse for:

weeks 2 & 4
Mon and Fri are PLB
along w/ cardio on T,TH and Sat respectively

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