How do you tighten up that extra fat under the...


Active Member
Hi all,

I need help! I have ONE major trouble area, that is right under my buttocks. I don't even know what it's called. Are they saddlebags? I just call it puffy, saggy, fat. x( Actually, it's not that bad, but it's bad enough for me to notice that's for sure. How do you tighten this up? I just purchased Legs & Glutes as I am hoping that will help to isolate that muscle more so I can tighten that area up. I'm not sure if it's my booty that needs lifting or if it's my hamstrings that need tightening. I don't belong to a gym and I don't have any weight machines. All I do is workout with Cathe and use my barbells, dumbells, step, and fanny lifter.

Does anyone know what area I'm referring to? If you can offer any advice from personal experience or otherwise, please help!!!

Hi Traci,

I, too, am focusing on that area! The only extra piece of equipment I have that you did not mention is a treadmill. I found that running is really helping to "burn" that area. I know I would have even better results if I utilized the incline more often but I will die a creature of habit! Let's just hope it's with a firm, lifted tush.

Lots of leg presses helped me along. I make sure to get at least 5-6 sets using heavy weights (40 pounds...heavy for me!) once a week.

I have heard great things about Legs & Glutes. Let me know if it helps!
Hi Sara!

Thanks so much for the information! I can certainly start running now that the weather is warm, but of course it's a scorcher here today and will be all week long! I don't have a treadmill but my sister does, I can hop on hers if I decide to run indoors.

I hope L&G's helps too! If I do an hour of legs and glutes 3 days a week and don't see any progress along with lots of cardio I will be TICKED OFF!! x( ;(

Thanks so much for your advice! I have 5 weeks until the Bahamas!!!!!!! I will update you on my progress when I see some...or especially if I DON'T!! (cause I'll be crying...waaaa)

Some people refer to this as a "thutt" (around the thigh and butt area). That's an area where I carry any extra fat. I've always envied people who have "tucks" instead of "thutt fatt." One of my colleages is nearly 60, and she still has a tuck. Drat! If had "thutt fat" since I was an adolescent. Sometimes less, sometimes more. But never the "tuck" I admire.

Sometimes, it's impossible to completely eliminate the excess fat in the areas that are our individual trouble spots without getting down to such a low body fat that the rest of our bodies look too thin. This might just be something you have to live with, or accept a moderate improvement rather than drastic changes (at least without resorting to cosmetic surgery.)

What works this area is deadlifts, and any thigh/glute work, especially some floorwork like donkey kicks.

Good luck in reducing it. If you find a "miracle cure" let me know!;-)
Ditto for me. That is my problem area. Even when I was way too thin it was still there. I do consider it hopeless, but it's the only ugly scrappy flap and I look great in jeans or a skirt because you CAN'T see the "thutt".

Thank you Kathryn for teaching me a new word.
Okay, I don't mean to sound happy when I say that I'm glad I'm not alone...but....boy am I glad I'm not alone! Now I know others feel my pain of the "thutt" fat!!! (Thanks for the new word!!!!!)

I don't expect miracles, I don't want to be skinny, and I will not resort to plastic surgery...but I do think I will try to spend a little more time on this area to see if I can approve it. I guess it's like cellulite, you can't get rid of it but you can improve it slightly.

I am thankful that is my only real trouble spot, even after having 2 C-sections, my abs are pretty flat and not the mess they could be.

I am going to try to add running back into my routine because I do know that I've always battled this problem, but somehow I recall when I used to run that I didn't see it as much. Hopefully the Legs and Glutes workout will help as well.

I will let you all know if I see any improvement!

Thanks everyone!
Hi Traci!

Looks like you're already in good hands here with all the great advice. I feel your pain...I do!! I do think that Legs and Glutes will help, along with a lot of cardio. I've found that KPC really helps tighten up that particular area (for me) with all of the back kicks. You're working so don't fret. I'm sure you'll see improvement and don't forget that's what sarongs were made for!!!!:)

Hope you have a great trip.
Hi Traci, Just my opinion, but I think legs & Glutes 3 times a week would be a bit much. I think you would have much better results if you did Legs & Glutes once a week and then a smaller "mix" of leg work later in the week, maybe from and endurance workout.

If you over train, you won't help the thutt at all, it won't budge. I can surely appreciate and admire your determination and drive but working "too hard" can have negative affects as well.

Just a suggestion....:)
Hi Sarah and Lisannjam,

Thanks for the help and support. I think I am just sooo anxious to tighten this area up in less than 5 weeks that I'm panicking. I definitely don't want to overtrain so I will do it once a week with a smaller "mix" of leg work..and LOTS o' CARDIO!!!!

Thanks bunches!

I know exactly the area you are talking about...the saddle bag area from hell!!! LOL!! I have found that I was able to work this area down with a lot of circuit training and good clean eating..

I hope that helps


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