How do you plan to rotate Cathe's new workouts?


I normally work out 6 days a week (M-Sat), so I'm thinking about what I'll do on the other 2 days, as well as in what order I'll use the new workouts. I figure this is the place to come for some good ideas. Thanks!
I will do two other days of her circuit workouts like DrillMax, Bootcamp..I figured these will compliment the others quite nicely.
This series sounds awesome to me. I think it will be great to use with a long, steady state cardio day and a circuit day OR Barry's Boot Camp total body or yoga or another total body workout using lighter weights.
Probably Cardio Coach or iTread on the other days. Of course, I will be doing CC Press Play the last Saturday of every month! ;)

I am anxious to let go of my "hour or more cardio habit" and see how the split will affect my body. I do more cardio than weights right now and am looking forward to the new series to change that.
I'll probably do them straight through at first, but then I will probably start working them in with other workouts. For example, perhaps I'll do GS Legs one day, then one of the new upper body workouts with cardio the next, then the GS compliment of the upper body parts I don't work...or even the Slow and Heavy. Not sure. I also will likely just do the cardio portion of the workouts and not do the weights (on the days that I'm only doing cardio).

Once I've gone through them a few times, I'll have a better feel for how I will rotate them.
I'll have to wait to see where I'm at when they come, and what I want to improve on next, and what they feel like when I do them. :)

If they come while it's still nice outside, one day, at least, will be devoted to biking outside.

Or.....I'll rotate them however she recommends. :) Naah, I usually change things...not so good at following directions. :)
Well, I'm not getting the new series, but if I was, I'd add a day of cardio only, and probably a full body weight workout.
one a daym 4 days, plus mixing it with a cardio or MM on the other or walking long distnaces at a fast pace.
i'm going to do them on monday, tuesday, thursday, and friday and do just cardio on wednesday and saturday
It's a bit early to make plans for these, but I will probably do cardio two other days in between, with one day off. Maybe new ones days 1,2,4,5, cardio days 3 and 6, and day 7 off.

Or maybe use these on days 1-4 take day 5 off, do a cardio/weights circuit on day 6, and use day 7 for stretching.

Or do these days 1-4, a cardio on day 5, and another lower body workout on day 6, with day 7 as off/stretch.
I'll have to add at least one day of interval training (CC or IMAXs), as I don't see that in the description for any of the new ones. On the 6th day I would do full body weights or circuit.

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