How do you get the mindset of using food as fuel???

I used to smoke, I quit about 2 years ago. Whenever I used to get stressed when I first quit, I would slip back for a few days. Now, I slip to food. I am only about 10-12 lbs. over where I would like to be. I am going to start a BFL Challenge tomorrow, but I would like some advice as to how you got that mindset?? THANKS!!!!!!
Lori Saxton
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-02 AT 08:41PM (Est)[/font][p]For me, it wasnt and still isnt easy. At first getting the mindset involved sheer will power and then some setbacks along the way. After awhile that mindset becomes more a way of life so it gets a bit easier with time. I do still think it's hard at times to stay in that mindset but I think that if you tell yourself that ahead of time you wont beat yourself up over a little setback here and there. Good Luck! And, congrats on quitting smoking!! I've never been a smoker, but my sister has and I know from her experience how hard it can be to quit!

Make a list ahead of time of things you can do instead of eat: drink a glass of water, go walk the dog, take a shower, do some laundry, call a friend, surf the web, whatever works for you. If you are truly hungry, eat a carrot, an apple, some popcorn if you must. Use the one-liner "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels." Eventually, you will break the habit of emotional eating, just like you broke the habit of smoking.

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