How do you get that bicep vein???


Okay, the answer is probably going to be "genetics", right? I just admire that bicep vein that seems to come so easily for men. But, I would be willing to do just about anything to acquire one!

I am pretty lean, especially upper body. I would never in a million years develop legs like Cathe! Not from lack of trying though!

But I wondered, is it really genetics that creates that look, or is it a matter of lifting heavy for years and years?

I have been using the S&H for shoulders, triceps and biceps. While I am getting more mass, that vein just isnt there!

Thanks for your help!
I don't know--I have the vein, also the one going across my shoulders--they show much more right after I've been lifting. But I didn't really start to notice them until I got really serious about my diet. I have no idea what my body fat percentage is but it's pretty low--maybe that has something to do w/it. And you're probably right--as with most things, genetics probably has a lot to do w/it.
I have it and I hate it. I don't think it's attractive at all. Especially since it's not the only vein showing. When I'm doing a strength workout, my arms freak me out with all those veins all pumped up.

Do think it has to do with low fat% on that specific area.


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