How do you get started again?


Hi Everyone,
It has been a while since I have posted.
I was the obssesed one that had 60 pounds to lose after having a baby that refused to sleep or nap.
Well very happy to say that I am down to my last 15 pounds,However I have found that I am not motivated to exercise and my passion for working out is not like it used to be.
I guess my question is I really want that passion once again.
What would be the best way to start,I am looking for a 15 pound weight loss and I really want to see muscle definition(I like how the crew is cut that's what I am looking for)
I do not have much time in the day because she still does not nap too well and by the time she makes it to bed and my other 2 children well I am beat.I also have been able to get in at least 2-3 workouts per week but to me that is not enough.
So any advice I Have all of Cathe's dvd's
First of all--Congratulations on losing all that weight!! :7 It sounds like you still have some of that passion, or you wouldn't be posting this..Also, you probably need more sleep. If you have all of Cathe's DVD's, why don't you start a rotation? Like one of the new ones.....Total Overall Body Blast, but cut it down to 5 days with 2 rest days because you don't want to burn out too quickly.

If you find that you can't work out on one of your workout days, then just do it the next day. If you concentrate on increasing your weights, you should see results within a few weeks. I have seen great results in the last month myself just by keeping track of my workouts on a calendar and trying not to skip them. I am consciously pushing myself to increase weights and if I can't do all 12 reps? then I just stop. Of course, sleep is VERY important. I try to get 7 or 8 hours a night. This might be a big challenge for you with the three little ones, but as long as you can manage to get 1 hour for yourself a day, you can do it!

Good Luck!
Thank You
I have been racking my brain and this site trying to find that rotation.
Would you be so kind to guide me as to where I can find the Total Overall Body Blast rotaion
I think you probably found these...

because I saw that you've posted in response to the legs rotation, but here are the new intensity rotations.

Just in case.

Also, wanted to add that it is hard to get re-motivated. If you haven't already purchased them, the new series will definitely help in that direction. Congratulations on all the weight you've already lost & good luck with that last 15!!!

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