How do you fit in your workouts?


New Member
Hello all! I am brand new here. My daughter is 9 months old and I've STILL yet to lose this baby weight. No one to blame but myself. I can't afford a gym right now so a personal trainer friend of mine recommended Cathe and I got a DVD for Christmas. In the last month I've broke it out and used it and LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! :)

Anyway, I used to be a workout the gym 6 days a week and even went twice a day on occasion. But that was when I was single and a college student. Now I am married with 2 kids and well, you know. Fortunately, I am a stay at home mom right now but likely will go back to work in the fall.

Now, how do you all schedule your day and fit in your workouts? I usually do it when my daughter is sleeping. On weekends, I have my son (who is 7) or husband watch her while I do my thang. But as you know, life with baby is never predictable. How do you keep it consistent?

I've got to lose 40-50 pounds. I've lost 13 since my post partum visit but alas...that was a while ago. Diet is my biggest challenge. I love to workout and I want to be fit again like I was. Cathe's videos are the only thing I've used that make me feel like I've been in the gym. They challenge me. Right now I am just doing kick, punch and crunch and some ankle weight work on the legs and glutes because my hand weights are toooooo light (only 5 lbs!!x( ) and can't afford new ones at the moment (or a step). So I do my best. I know more weight work will pump up my weight loss, but I am making do for now.

Anyway, nice to be here and I hope to learn a lot from all of you. I'm still breastfeeding, BTW.
Welcome! It's so challenging to find time to workout. I recently invested in a baby jogger--it's so easy to put my little pumpkin in it and go workout (I've only done it twice so far, but it works). If you can afford it, I'd recommend one. You can use it all summer long. :) That way you are not limited to your daughter's sleep schedule.
Otherwise, Cathe videos are excellent (as you already know). Maybe you can convience a friend to split the cost of some DVDs? If your really lucky, you can strike a deal on eBay, but Cathe's stuff usually holds it's value.
Good luck. Feel free to join us on the post-partum workout check-ins. :)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
As Melanie said come join us on the postpartum check in. That's great that you are still breastfeeding. My daughter is 6 1/2 months old, my routine is I nurse her, then soon after feed her oatmeal then nurse again so by 9 am her belly is full. I put her in her swing while I work out and she eventually falls asleep. If your baby is too big for the swing, exercise when baby naps, cathe's dvds are great when you are short on time, perhaps you can do 2 1/2 sessions, 1 cardio, 1 weights. Also as melanie said, get a jogging stroller and when the nice weather is here, and your older child is in school go for a long walk. My big advice is to prioritize exercise and you will get it in.
Hey there--

I'll second the others and say that you should come and join the post partum thread.

What I do with baby is workout when he is having his afternoon nap. If he wakes up, then I put him in the swing where he often screams at me (I am a meanie, I just turn up the music and finish --I still have several pounds to lose, so just call me desperate and determined) Today, I let my daughters watch him in the next room and that went fine (turned down the music, so I could hear)

Aren't Cathe workouts great?

take care and keep us posted

I have a 4 month old, 21 month old, 4 year old, and 7 year old and yes, it is tough to fit in workouts. I too am a SAHM. I manage to get in 5 workouts a week but I sacrafice some sleep to do it. I workout at 5:45 am. I workout 5 days a week and do 5:45 4 days a week and on Sunday I workout a little later. I am VERY lucky that my DH is willing to get up in case one of the kids gets up really early. Most mornings though the kids start waking up around 6:30 and DH would wake up that time anyway. He leaves at 8am for the busstop then to work. So My time is 5:45-6:45 then a real quick shower and I take over with the kids at 7:15 so he can shower.

I have found that the only time that would work is really early or really late and really late I don't have energy.

It can be done. I have lost 45 lbs since my baby was born 17 weeks ago and I gained 30 with her so I'm less than when I started. BUT I was pretty overweigh before I got pregnant. I was a healthy weight when I got married and gained 65 lbs with EACH of my first 3 kids and only lost about 30 so I had tons to lose. I just figure if I keep doing what I'm doing and be patient I know it will come off.

I use to be a gymrat also before I got married. It has been really hard/mentally painful to be overweight. But I realized that with hard work, it could be done.

You can do this!!

I suggest sitting down with your DH, and working out a schedule. I think the schedule is what has helped me so much. DH knows that is MY time. I'm on duty for my kids 23 hours a day and that one hour belongs to ME.

At least you went for your postpartum visit.

I was so embarrased about my weight, I completely skipped my postpartum Dr. visit! I have not seen my Dr. since the day I delivered my daughter.

I have a 4 month old, 21 month old, 4 year old, and 7 year old and yes, it is tough to fit in workouts. I too am a SAHM. I manage to get in 5 workouts a week but I sacrafice some sleep to do it. I workout at 5:45 am. I workout 5 days a week and do 5:45 4 days a week and on Sunday I workout a little later. I am VERY lucky that my DH is willing to get up in case one of the kids gets up really early. Most mornings though the kids start waking up around 6:30 and DH would wake up that time anyway. He leaves at 8am for the busstop then to work. So My time is 5:45-6:45 then a real quick shower and I take over with the kids at 7:15 so he can shower.

I have found that the only time that would work is really early or really late and really late I don't have energy.

It can be done. I have lost 45 lbs since my baby was born 17 weeks ago and I gained 30 with her so I'm less than when I started. BUT I was pretty overweigh before I got pregnant. I was a healthy weight when I got married and gained 65 lbs with EACH of my first 3 kids and only lost about 30 so I had tons to lose. I just figure if I keep doing what I'm doing and be patient I know it will come off.

I use to be a gymrat also before I got married. It has been really hard/mentally painful to be overweight. But I realized that with hard work, it could be done.

You can do this!!

I suggest sitting down with your DH, and working out a schedule. I think the schedule is what has helped me so much. DH knows that is MY time. I'm on duty for my kids 23 hours a day and that one hour belongs to ME.

At least you went for your postpartum visit.

I was so embarrased about my weight, I completely skipped my postpartum Dr. visit! I have not seen my Dr. since the day I delivered my daughter.
You can do it. I have 3 kids, 5, 3 and 11 months. I have heard about many people who get up early to work out but I just cannot (will not?) get myself out of bed. I often work out at night, 9 to 10 pm! But I am a night person. Other times I have worked out that have worked is during the morning naptime. Afternoon naptime I usually nap, so that is out.

MAKE YOURSELF DO IT for the first week...trick yourself by saying "I will get my workout clothes on...and at least do the first 10 minutes of the dvd" and then do the whole thing. After the first week you will feel so dynamite that you will be motivated to continue. Let the housework go.

I strive for 4 days a week but often it is 3 days. That's life.

Once you are working out you may find you are more motivated to eat healthfully. I know I am. Never underestimate the power of your diet. BF'ing always makes me starving. Try to feed your cravings with healthy nourishing food.

Mark your calendar for the days when you plan to (and what time) workout and when you did. It is motivating to see what you've accomplished.

You can do it! You are is tricky when you don't go to a gym regularly at the same time every day. I used to do that too before kids. Cathe's are the next best thing! Even better in lots of ways! Be a stickler about your workouts. I cannot stress this enough...that time is sacred, LET THE HOUSEWORK GO.
You can do it. I have 3 kids, 5, 3 and 11 months. I have heard about many people who get up early to work out but I just cannot (will not?) get myself out of bed. I often work out at night, 9 to 10 pm! But I am a night person. Other times I have worked out that have worked is during the morning naptime. Afternoon naptime I usually nap, so that is out.

MAKE YOURSELF DO IT for the first week...trick yourself by saying "I will get my workout clothes on...and at least do the first 10 minutes of the dvd" and then do the whole thing. After the first week you will feel so dynamite that you will be motivated to continue. Let the housework go.

I strive for 4 days a week but often it is 3 days. That's life.

Once you are working out you may find you are more motivated to eat healthfully. I know I am. Never underestimate the power of your diet. BF'ing always makes me starving. Try to feed your cravings with healthy nourishing food.

Mark your calendar for the days when you plan to (and what time) workout and when you did. It is motivating to see what you've accomplished.

You can do it! You are is tricky when you don't go to a gym regularly at the same time every day. I used to do that too before kids. Cathe's are the next best thing! Even better in lots of ways! Be a stickler about your workouts. I cannot stress this enough...that time is sacred, LET THE HOUSEWORK GO.
I think these guys gave you enough great this is just more encouragement.

I have 6 kids 13, 10, 8, 5, 2, and 3 mos. and we home school. And this was a bad week for this question as we had company and I didn't fit in workouts very well. BUT, like they said above, if you know there is usually a time when baby sleeps, try to have everything ready and plan your workouts in advance so you're not wondering what to do today. When in bootcamp (that's just been my motto for the past few weeks). If you can pick up cathe tapes/dvd's from ebay or order bundle if you can save some money. I would say, at least try to get in half an hour or 45 minutes of anything if you can and if you have some extra time, do a little bit more. DVD's are great for this. I got my step at a garage sale and it has been great for all my step work, check around. You will feel SOOOOOO much better once you get into the swing of things. Remember 21 days makes a habit and if you were a former gym will come right back to ya (the whole workout habit).

Also....check into the postpartum really keeps you motivated knowing that you have to give a report....good or bad...and we all have those days. :) :) :)


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