How do you feel about your current weight?

How do you feel about your current weight?

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I think I am going to click on "where it should be":) When I was a teeagers I weighed 118.Right now I weigh 126.So I guess that isn't to bad in 8 yrs.Although,I would love to lose 5 lbs but what female wouldn"t:7
I would like to lose 15 lbs to be exact. I'm at 150 this morning & I want to get to 135. I'm 5'6" so that is not unreasonable. However, I would be happy at 140 if I looked like Cathe.
Funny you ask. I know we should throw away the scale but i jut can't. Waking up and weighing myself is a total habit.

I'm 5'2 been 112 for years. I actually think I was about this weight in HS - with 2 kids and in my 40's now :( I'm pretty happy with that. Just the FIRMING is keying!

Have a good day all - stay warm
I have been wrestling with this issue for about two months now...the darn scale willl not budge...I am 5 foot nothing and right around 114. I would love to be under 110(my dream weight)....but not even clean eating and Catheing at least 5 times a week has moved the maybe 114 is it....not so bad considering I am 39 and have had two kids.
Actually, I would be happy with exchanging poundage: 5 pounds of fat gone and 5 pounds of muscle on. Though 10 pounds of fat gone and 5 pounds of muscle on would be better!
As Kathryn indicates, this poll does emphasize scale weight, which many of us are trying to deemphasize. What I really want to know is how much extra fat people feel they have. Body fat percentage is a far better method of calculation then scale weight, but I know I still haven't figured out where to go to have that measured and I'm not sure I would be willing to pay for it if I figured it out. Maybe a better poll would be to ask about clothes size? Scale weight is a poor indicator of how much body fat a person has.
There is no option for wanting to gain weight. I would like to be leaner, but I would also like to have much more muscle. So overall, I would like to be a few pounds heavier.

I'm happy with my current weight, yet I'm still toting around extra fat in my torso and abs. So exchanging muscle for the fat is what I'd like.
I have to say that the Intense Series and cleaner eating has put my body into 'shake up' mode. This stubborn fat that had been next to impossible to budge is now coming off. :D

I totally agree with Sharon! You left out those of us who wish to add on a few pounds of lean muscle mass. I voted with choice number 1 - my weight is more or less where it should be!
Hmmmm..... I like the muscle that I have gained in the past year, but I've also gaing quite a bit of fat too. If I could lose 5lbs of fat and keep the muscle, I'd be happy. I don't want to get as skinny as I used to be, however, I don't like the way I look now either, so I think 5lb of fat might be the magic number for me:7 .


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