I think that you are mixing up two different things. When people talk about the fat burning zone, it is usually referring to the heart rate that is between 60-65% of their maximum heart rate. (You can find tons of websites with the formula on how to figure out your target heart rate).
Staying in this zone burns a greater % of fat calories, so some people have associated this lower intensity workout range as the "right" zone to stay in to burn maximum fat.
The real deal is that working at a higher intensity may burn a lower % of fat calories, but more total calories, plus you get more cardio conditioning.
Your fat burning rate is related to your metabolic rate, weight and muscle mass and is an estimate of how many calories you burn.
So, yes, 2 different size/weight people each working in their "fat burning zone" heart rate for same amount of time would burn a different amount of total calories/fat.