How do I get started exercising again.....

Hi to everyone. I don't post very much and part of that is due to bad nausea during the first trimester.

Anyway, I was a consistent exerciser with Cathe videos before I got pregnant. But once the nausea started I couldn't even imagine exercising let alone walking from one part of my house to the other. Well, now I'm 10 weeks and I'm on Zofran which is helping me control the nausea. I would like to get back to exercising but I don't know where to find the motivation.

Can any of you give me some advice on how to get started again?



*3rd child (boy?) due 4-12-04
Hi Tracee, I know how frustrating the nausea can be and my workouts were really sparce through this rough time too. Everyone must find their own motivation, so I'm not sure how to help you with that one. If your starting back in I'd say find the workouts that you really like and drop weights for a while. Doing anything is better than nothing. Don't hold too high of expectations - you're pregnant. Some days I have really great workouts and other days I have to skip a set of something or other and I don't stress it, just skip the set and rest and do the next one, or pause the tape whenever you need a break. This has been my solution to many workouts right now. Just taking 30 seconds gives me the energy to get through the next set.

And....I've had to realize that some weeks I'm just zapped. Last week was one of those weeks and I took it off. This week I'm just incredibly motivated and doing awesome, I'm sore, but it feels great. Hopefully this will continue, but if I need another few days sometime....I'll take them! If you can, find some lighter workouts that you can work in.

I was really motivated when I read that women who work out right up until birth have placentas MUCH larger than those who didn't (fitpregnancy mag), and interestingly enough, I worked out last baby and the placenta was HUGE and healthy (I know, we deliver our own babies at home and can visually inspect this). We had fairly normal size placentas with the others, but baby number fives was soooo much larger. This can contribute to the babies health and well being considerably.

I find that my cardio is suffering the most right now and I've solved this by doing IMAX 1-5 intervals or however many I can do and then I fast forward to the end to do the cool down, just modify when you need to. Just a few suggestions.

Also, make your plan at the beginning of the week so you know what you'll do when you get up. I find that when I wait until morning to see what I "feel" like doing, I won't do anything. If I know what I'm getting up to do, I mentally get motivated all night long.

Tracee - First of all congrats!!!! You must be thrilled!

I can so relate to not working out due to nauseau. It stinks doesn't it! I was working out avidly before getting preggo and I seriously have went thru a few weeks where I either haven't worked out at all or I only work out a couple times.

I think Briee has some great ideas. Try changing your routine. I noticed that when I was at the end and coming out of the 1st trimester I just couldn't do step, I was too clumsy. So, I started walking/running more on the treadmill and doing weights. Just the past couple wks I have been brave enough to get back on the step and it has felt good. The change was nice.

I also suggest maybe shortening your workouts? I have been doing shorter sessions of cardio (no more than 20-25 min) and then follow-up with wt training. I find I am not as exhausted afterward.

I also have been loving the CTX series for some reason! I love the short but intense bursts of cardio. If you have it maybe try gettin' it out again? I also love IMAX2 intervals as Briee said:)

Anyway, don't get down on yourself. Your body is probably just telling you to take a break. Enjoy it and give your body the rest it needs.

edd 2/15/04
Thank you guys for such great answers. I know the ultimate motivation is going to have to come from inside me but you have reminded me of some great tips to get me started.

I want to stick with my Cathe tapes for all of my pregnancy and just modify because this is my last pregnancy and I don't want to spend money on new pregnancy tapes. Plus, Cathe is the best for me.

Hopefully, once I get past this first trimester I can get back into some kind of a routine.


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