How do I Begin?


New Member
I'm probably a "high intermediate" level exerciser (if such a thing exists!) and based on all the great reviews, I just bought all the Cathe DVDs (*and* the videos that aren't on DVD yet). Gutsy, huh? ;-)

I started with CardioKicks and absolutely love it! Then, this morning I went for the step portion of MIC and it almost killed me. I could handle the intensity (sort of), but I quickly realized just how choreographically-challenged I really am. Cathe and crew were going one way, I was going the other...I think I actually heard my cat snickering at one point. Not pretty.

Anyway, which videos should I use to learn the jargon? It's not like I haven't done step before, I've just never done anything quite this complex. I will, of course, actually preview the videos from now on, but so I know where to begin, do any of Cathe's workouts spend more time breaking down the steps?

Thanks for your help!
This is just my opinion...but to me the earlier the Cathe tape the easier the choreography. The first ones I ever did were Step Heat and Mega Step Blast. It took a couple times, but I did pick it up then moving on to her more current ones wasn't so difficult..............Jodi
Welcome to Cathe-land!! :-jumpy Hang on tight!

Well .. I second the nomination for Mega Step Blast and Step Heat. Those tend to break things down a bit more. From there, I think you could move onto Step Max, which tends to offer up intensity, without being overly complex. Power Max and Step Fit do tend to break things down a little more, and will get you accustomed to some of the moves that Cathe uses in MIC, however there are a couple of intricate moves that would require some rewinds. Never underestimate the power of the "preview" beforehand .. it makes a huge difference!!

Keep us posted on how you're progressing!!
Nicole :)
MIC does move fast, and there is little breakdown. I learned all of Cathe's moves with CTX. They are quite short so I would practice in the evenings after doing a Firm or another workout in the morning. I didn't have to worry about stopping, rewinding, or not getting my heart rate up, since I had already worked out in the a.m. Once I got down the ricochets, up and backs, and all of that, I sold all of my other tapes and dove into the Cardio Hits DVD and the Rhythmic Step+ DVD. It worked really well for me. But I didn't have the earlier tapes like you do, so if the others suggest MSB and Step Heat, then go for it! Congrats on your bold (but awesome) purchases and have fun!
Thanks to you all for the great suggestions! I'll try the earlier vids, and have been thinking about doing a CTX rotation, anyway, so I'm very happy to know it will be a good way to learn.

Still sore, three days later-- and loving it!

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