How do I add Bootcamp to my rotation?


Hi Everyone,

I need rotation advice. I took Jillybeans excellent suggestion and have been doing the following:

Mon - IMAX + abs
Tues - PH or MIS
Wed - 60 min cardio
Thurs - PH or MIS
Fri - 60 min cardio
Sat - PH or MIS
Sun - rest

I alternate PH and MIS, so that one week I do one twice and the other once, and reverse it the next week. I'm getting great results and am really happy with it. I will continue this for 2 more weeks. I want to add in Bootcamp and can't figure out where to put it. I start a CTX or PS rotation next. Tell me what to do please!
I would work it in as a weights day, but it is not necessary. I did BC, and although some of the moves were challenging, I found my stomach to be the only body part that got sore.

If it was me, I would ditch one of the weights days in favor of BC. Add BC in to a cardio day and you might push yourself over the edge into overtraining. See how that works, especially until you get used to BC and the demands it places on your body...
Thanks Janice,
I am so intimidated by Bootcamp. I can't believe that I have such a fear of it. Just seeing Cathe struggling for breath freaks me out. I plan to insert it in place of my third weight day this week. Thanks for your help. I was really clueless about what to do. This is probably the first tape that I thought "I can never complete this". So, I'm gonna suck it up and stop being a sissy. (maybe)
Don't be scared, Dawn. The really strenuous stuff is so short it really isn't bad! You always have a chance to catch your breath right after it also. It's not nearly as hard as IMax 1. Really truly.
I would add it in as a weights day, also. To me, the cardio was not intense enough to count it as a workout, so when I do it again, I'll plug it in when I need a weight workout.

It's a good "bang for your buck" routine combining weights and cardio. I LOVE saving time! :7
It's rather a hybrid, isn't it? Incorporating strength, plyo and some cardio. Though it could be considered a weight workout, I think I would consider it more of an interval workout, like IMAX, but with weight work in place of the non-interval step aerobic sections. At least that's what the intervals of jacks, terminator thrusts, etc. make me think.

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