How Did You Fare at 24 Weeks?


Hello - I am 24 weeks pregnant. Up to know I have exercised every day of my pregnancy. I do light to moderate cardio for 1 hour 4 days per week and on the other 3 days per week I lift weights for 1 hour and do light cardio for an hour. I have gained 15 pounds. Lately, however, I feel so tired! I no longer feel that I can do 2-hour days 3 times per week as I had previously. If I cut down, I expect the pounds will pile on. However, I also know that at some point I really need to listen to my body. Have others had this experience? What happened as a result?
I remember distinctly going through weeks of no energy...listen to your body & back off during those periods b/c your baby needs your energy to grow. ;) My super fatigue periods never lasted more than 7 days (although they seemed like eternity). My suggestion is to relax for a couple of days then begin exercising slowly. As long as you eat healthy, with complex will not gain excessive weight while taking your 'exercise holiday'.
Good luck & have fun! You're over 1/2 way there to having your beautiful baby in your arms!!!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I'm 23 wks right now (#2) and still have pretty good energy but I try not to exercise for more than 60 mins a day (sometimes it's just 40-45mins). I'm still working out 6 days per week (mainly 3 days cardio only, 3 days weights only) but I fully expect the fatigue to settle in again as it did with #1 so I'll probably back down to 4-5 day/wk workouts in the coming weeks. When I do rest for a day or 2 or 3 then go back to exercising those workouts feel great so I know my body needed the time off.

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