How come strength endurance w/o seems more difficult th...


I was following the 3 month rotation 2 hours workouts Cathe posted awhile back for someone. Part of the rotation was 3 weeks of S&H, then 3 weeks of PS, then 3 weeks of S&H. So I finished my 4th week of the 6 weeks of S&H and was really bored with this w/o, so I decided to skip to the next part of the rotation which is PH and ME. Maybe it's because it's been awhile since I did strength endurance w/os but I really think they are harder than the strength one. I know you need both types for overall conditioning, but when I was doing S&H and PS, I really didn't sweat that much or feel the burn in my muscles. I didn't get any DOMS. Today when I did PH sweat was dripping down like crazy and my legs and arms were "shaking like a chihuahua." Yes I went heavy for S&H and lighter for PH. I know both types of w/o work different muscle fibers more. I would assume the endurance ones work the red fibers more and the strength one the white fibers more. Are these the same red fibers that get worked during cardio for endurance? I would think I had many red fibers and they're in good shape since I do at least 5-6 days of different levels of cardio. Maybe it's just because you have to work your heart harder since it is endurance strength training. Personally I love the endurance strength and circuit w/os more since they work the entire body in one workout and make me sweat, but I know I'll have to do the other kind too x( . Just wanted to see what other think.

RE: How come strength endurance w/o seems more difficul...

I'm with you - when I do S&H I am not even close to wiped out like I am with the endurance workouts! Part of it is the rest breaks. With S&H you have the longer rest breaks between sets and that is by design. It allows your muscles the opportunity to recover before moving on to the next set. With endurance workouts you do higher reps and the recovery is very short. So your muscles are not recovering fully and then they are fully exhausted when you're done besides really getting the heartrate up. Whenever I switch back to endurance I feel like must be a weeny! :) I always forget how hard they can be!

Maybe it depends on the individual, but I also find S&H to be much more doable than something like PH. When I haven't done S&H for a while, I can do it with no problem. When I haven't done PH for a while, parts of it seem almost as tough as the first time I did it (well, maybe the THIRD time!).
I know what you are stating, but I am on the Gym Styles rotation and I tell you my chest and triceps are STILL sore (good sore) from Tuesday, and last night was the Legs and my booty is feeling it today!! I love the whole body workout, but switching it up a bit, for me, I do see the benefits. Always good to keep the ol' bod off course, if you get my drift....


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