How are you calculating body fat percentage?


I see lots of people posting their body fat percent and am just curious what method you all are using for calculating it? I used to have a tanita scale but got rid of it because my body fat percent would vary by as much as 15% in one day, not physically possible! So what other methods are you all using??
I think they do it at their local gym.Unfortunaltly I can't get it done around here....but then again would I really want to?
You can also purchase a "do-it-yourself" body fat caliper which will run anywhere from $15-$20.
I have an accu-measure caliper and it does me just fine for my purposes. I'm not really at the point where I need complete, scientific accuracy, just hitting the ballpark is enough for me.

If you're interested, they have some at

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-02 AT 09:54AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Nicole. There are some sites out there where you can put in certain body measurements and it'll calculate your bodyfat for you. I don't have any of those sites bookmarked at the moment. However, I do have this site.... :)

I know I'm a curmudgeon

Since all these methods are so inaccurate, I just use the "look and grab" method. If I can see suspiciously jiggly lumps, then my body fat is too high. If I grab them and they feel like fat, then my body fat is too high. I don't think a number, no matter how accurate, would affect this very empirical method.
The first time I ever had it done, I went to the Y and had a fitness assessment. They're trained to do it there, and you'll know you'll get a good measurement. They use Lang calipers that give a better reading. It's tough to learn how to do right.

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