How are all of the preggies doing? = )



Even though I am no longer a preggie, I still want to keep updated on all of your pregnancies, etc. Please check in and let me know how you are doing! :)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

05/28/05 Check out new album "Me pre and post pregnancy" just added!
Jeepers, Wendy, so many pregnant women on the list, and no reply to this? Well, let me just say that I'm currently feeling fabulous! I'm almost at the end of the second trimester, and have certainly found it to be a very enjoyable experience. I feel very good most days, but come after-dinner time when my stomach has all the day's food in it, I get short of breath and uncomfortable. I, personally, would never be able to do workouts after dinner time. I don't know how the other women (and you) manage(d) to do it!

I know I've gained weight this past month, but I think it's all in my belly. Since coming off bedrest I've seen gradual increases in my conditioning and am surprised to find that I can now do my workouts with light impact again (not the IMAX blasts!). I've also been kegelling regularly and have found that my stress incontinence has gotten undercontrol. They work, who knew??

I have my first appointment with the midwife on Monday afternoon, and am really looking forward to it!!!

Thanks for asking about us, Wendy. How are you doing? The first few weeks with a newborn are very challenging, emotionally and physically. How is DH doing with new fatherhood?

All the best!
i am currently 16 weeks and 3 days along and i'm doing fine. i haven't had any morning sickness at all. i had a bit of tiredness for about 3-4 weeks there but that has moved on and i'm feeling great! i'm not working out as much as i should be and i'm trying to remedy that. i go for an ultrasound on June 8th.

I feel like crap, crude, but truex( :p . I'll be 8 weeks along tomorrow. My belly is swelling like mad this time (#6), so I just gave my credit card a workout and bought some cute maternity clothes from Old Navy, Motherhood Maternity, and Target. I feel a little better. This is the first pregnancy I have treated myself to cute clothes.

I may feel like crap, but I don't want to look like it:p

How's the new mommy doing?

Luz sounds like we both are going to have a close due date to each other! I too have my u/s on June 8th! Less than 2 weeks away!!! I'm doing good, tired still off and on. I thought it would just go completely away, but as I slept most of the later evening away last night, I guess the fatigue is here to stay. I'm doing well with my workouts and feeling proud of myself! Wendy how is the baby and how is your body healing?
Thanks for asking! Now please bear with me as I gripe--if you hate a whiner--skip this post! My nausea is subsiding, and for that I am grateful, but cosmetically, pregnancy is a nightmare. x( I used to color my hair with a semi-permanent rinse monthly to cover grays and make it shiny. But my doctor advised against this and now it looks terrible! I haven't been so good about working out either--partly from fatigue, partly from lack of motivation, and largely because my dissertation proposal is due in less than two weeks. Add to the mix that few of my civilian clothes fit but my new maternity clothes are way to big, that my husband is living in another city for seven weeks, and that I'm a big crybaby these days. I'm a lot of fun to be around! I'm really looking forward to being visibly pregnant because I think I will feel a lot less self-conscious about my expanding waistline and otherwise doughy appearance. Believe me, I'm not proud of my attitude--I know there are many women TTC who would do anything to be in my position! But oh the vanity . . . I never knew I was so vain!
Hi Wendy!! How are you and little Joey? I am doing ok..still trying to come up with a routine with all the aches and gonna try just weights and do my Power 90x for arms and is the breastfeeding coming? Any better? Hope all is well!!


For those who have inquired about baby and I...we are ding well.:)

Ofcourse I am quite tired but I guess that is to be expected at this point. My body is finally ache and pain free for the first time in many many months! I am thrilled about that!:7

Joey is doing well overall. He is a good baby. He has his "moments" as we all do...evenings/bedtime are his cranky time...but I really can't complain much!:)

Well, gotta run. Thanks to all for thinking of me.:D


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

05/28/05 Check out new album "Me pre and post pregnancy" just added!

I too was dying my hair up until I got preggie and stopped. I have been waiting on pins and needles to dye it again and now that I can I just can't seem to find the time! Go figure! lol :p I WILL get it done day!!!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

05/28/05 Check out new album "Me pre and post pregnancy" just added!
How is DH doing with new fatherhood?


Sandra---DH is adjusting well I guess. I don't really know...I haven't asked him how he's doing! Am I bad? :-( I don't mean to be! He seems to be fine though...


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

05/28/05 Check out new album "Me pre and post pregnancy" just added!
Monica and Wendy,

Very interesting that you stopped colouring your hair. This is something that I've read time and again is a pregnancy myth. I was under the impression that it is now considered safe?

I haven't had any morning sickness at all.


Luz--That's AWESOME! I didn't have any morning sickness either. Don't you feel a little guilty saying that out loud knowing how many of the other ladies on here did or are suffering with it? I know I did. I feel bad for those who have to deal with that.:-(

Glad you are doing so well though. And the work outs will increase as you get more energy. Before I knew I was back up to 6 days a week in my second trimester and you will be too! I just know it!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

05/28/05 Check out new album "Me pre and post pregnancy" just added!
Hey Maggie!

My sister has 6 children...ranging in age from 11 down to about a year and a half! I thought SHE was the only one crazy enough to have 6 kids today but apparently she's not! lol :p }( :+ (just kidding!!!)

Isn't it amazing how a little credit card work out can make a lady feel sooo much better no matter what her ailment!? I LOVE IT! }( }( }(

Take care!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

05/28/05 Check out new album "Me pre and post pregnancy" just added!
how is the breastfeeding coming? Any better?

Hi Sasha.

Breast feeding is not I am pumping and feeding formula. There is a used medela in style electric pump being shipped to me as we speak from a friend's sister for a fraction of the cost of a brand new one and I don't even have to buy new tubing because they had 2 sets and only used one! So...when it comes I am going to use that to express as much milk as I can and hopefully I can manage to get him on all breast milk eventually. The fact that it is coming from a bottle as opposed to directly from me is okay. I'd rather he get it this way than not at all and to be honest, when I sat and thought about it...I do not have the patience to go through the breast feeding struggle. This may sound selfish to some but it's just me and I am okay with it so I am not going to force myself to do it.

Anywho...hopefully the pumping will go well. I should have the unit by the middle of this week. Wish me luck! :)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

05/28/05 Check out new album "Me pre and post pregnancy" just added!

I never actually asked my doc but I read that it PROBABLY wouldn't do any harm...well, that little bit of doubt is what stopped me...I wish I read flat out that it was a myth because I never would have stopped! Dang! lol


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

05/28/05 Check out new album "Me pre and post pregnancy" just added!

Thats prob what I am gonna do..I dont know if I cant breastfeed..but at least pumping and mixing w/ formula will give him something..good luck with the pump..keep us updated too :)

>Very interesting that you stopped colouring your hair. This
>is something that I've read time and again is a pregnancy
>myth. I was under the impression that it is now considered

I asked the dr just to be safe, figuring she'd say "go ahead" but she was more hesitant that I expected. She said, wait until the first trimester is over (check!) and then only use hair coloring methods where it doesn't saturate your scalp (like foils or something) (dang!). Well, that doesn't do a brunette with lots of gray roots very much good! My impression is that the jury's still out on hair color--there's no proof it's bad but no studies proving it's ok. I also asked if semi-permanent was ok (the kind that washed out after 28 shampoos. (At first, she thought I was asking about getting a perm, which oddly IS ok!) She said she didn't know whether that made a difference. My guess is it's probably ok, but then I think, would it kill me to go a few measely months with lackluster hair? Ugh! It might!
Wendy--your sister's children and mine are almost the same age range! And believe me, right now, I'm feeling like I'm crazy:p :+ , because I'm so sick and tired and getting fat.

Wendy thanks for asking about all of us - that was very thoughtful. I'm glad that Joey is such a good baby. :)

Anyway, as for me, I"m doing pretty good. I'm a little over 21 weeks along. I go on Thursday for another U/S to check the baby's spine and the placenta. I'm feeling pretty good too. I don't get in as many workouts as I want to due to time. Until I get home from work and get the evening routine in, it is just too late to workout. I do wish that I had the time b/c I have the energy to workout. But by 8:30 I am beat and ready for bed, normally I'd be working out at that time. The weird thing that I"m encountering is that I cannot eat as much as I used to. I don't know if there isn't as much room in my belly or if I'm just uncomfortable but I almost never finish everything on my plate. I get full really fast.

Have a great day!

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