Hours per day working out


Active Member
Cathe how much time (on average) do you spend per day working out? This includes teaching time and personal workout time.

I have heard that people with amazing results like yourself tend to workout usually at a very minimum 1 hour per day and more often than not its 2 or 3 hours per day. Wow.
Hi - just moving this to the top - just curious to see if the time I commit to exercising is comparable to the time you commit to exercising. I know you are really busy so even just a brief answer would be appreciated.

I was wondering about this same thing. Although I know that exercising is Cathe's "job," I'd love to know what her typical workout schedule is like!
I stare at Cathe and evryone else on the DVDs totally amazed at their abs...those are STRONG abs!!! That's gotta be almost no body fat, right? The definition is really impressive. How can I get those???
Maybe you should add to your question, "and how many years have you been working out, and how have your workouts evolved over the years," since these things will influence the shape a person is in. Cathe seems to have patience, perseverence and a sense of moderation.

Consider while Cathe is prepping for the videos, how long (how many weeks/months) it takes to get ready for filming, how long (hours) taping is, and how much of the year she is "off" that schedule. You might be able to do the math and figure it out. Cathe's regular teaching schedule is here:


Cathe: Please respond

Hi Cathe: This question about hours per day has been lingering about. I've noticed you choose to ignore it. I want to know if you could post something that says that you won't answer these kinds of posts (asking about body-weight, what you eat, how many hours you exercise, etc). You've never said outright that you won't answer, so I always end up waiting for you to answer these kinds of posts, in vain, it seems.

Please advise on your policy. Thank you.
RE: Cathe: Please respond

I'm not sure if Cathe didn't answer this post because she doesn't answer this type of question, or she just didn't have (or take) the time. A post of mine about KPC went unanswered. It's just the luck of the draw, I suppose, and not necessarily a topic she won't treat.
>Maybe you should add to your question, "and how many years
>have you been working out, and how have your workouts evolved
>over the years," since these things will influence the shape a
>person is in.

Yes, very well put, Connie. I did notice that Cathe is not as muscular in the PS Series as she is in the Intensity or BB series. In the Intensity Series, which she made soon after having a baby, Cathe is buff and solid, but not as much as in her newest series. You can really see how much time it can take for bodies to recover after childbirth.

And in her much earlier videos like Power Max, her body looks even less muscular, though obviously still fit. Watching her transformations over the years has been a great inspiration. It shows you how far consistency and determination can take you. It can take years, so you have to be patient.:)

I do remember Cathe saying to someone who quoted her that she only works out 2 hours a day to not over train. So, I would guess that on the days that she teaches maybe she does two classes, and nothing more. And then on her off days makes sure that she gets in at leat an hour. I know that she is a buisy women, with the dog training trying to take care of her family on top of all this. She obviously spends quality time with her children, she does know the someg Fruit salad by the wiggles! I have also heard that she eats like a horse. Now some of this information may be wrong, but maybe it will help. Like I said that this is a guess as to what her workout schedule might look like. She would have to tell you in person as to what she does exactly. But that would be my guess. Besides she has been teaching for like 20 years or something like that and has been in weight lifting competitions back in the day. So, for those of us that have been dong her tapes for say 5 yers, we have a ways to go, ya know!

If I'm not mistaken, Cathe has said somewhere before that she does one body part a day for 30 minutes and teaches a class a day and if they're doing weights on that body part, she doesn't lift, but instructs only. I can't remember if she posted that after the intensity series, but that was what her normal training was. I don't recall the cardio specifically (unless it is what she is doing in class already). Anyway, that's what I can remember her saying once in the recent past. Also, look at the summary of what she did to get back in shape after baby #2 in the intensity series bios.

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