Hot Flash Advice Please


Hi ladies,

Well, it's 4:30 in the morning and my mom just got up again because of another hot flash. She turned 45 on Friday but has been going through menopause for at least 2 maybe 3 years. Her biggest and most annoying symptom is hot flashes, and it bothers her most when they make it difficult to sleep.

There are a lot of things she could be doing to improve her health like exercising and quitting smoking, but until I convince her on those, I'd like to know if there's anything I can suggest that she use right now to alleviate the hot flashes ASAP.

I've been searching the board and found some good info on progesterone cream, black cohosh, and sepia. For those that have or are experiencing hot flashes, what has helped the most?

I'd be very grateful for any suggestions!

Thanks in advance!
Hello! I don't have any advice, but my mom suffers from hot flashes terribly as well, and I would like to help her if I possibly can. My mom DOES take care of herself, i.e. she walks 4 times a week, eats right, etc. This lifestyle may have lessened the hot flashes somewhat, but she is bothered by them terribly still. SO, thanks for asking the question, and let's hope someone can offer us some suggestions!
Been going through hot flashes for about a year now. Talked to my GYN & she tells me there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that can be done for them. She told me that the over-the-counter stuff is a bunch of hooey.

Good luck!
I take microgestin--a low, low dose of estrogen. I tried to get off all hormones after a laparoscopic hysterectomy (I was taking microgestin because it was the only way to control bleeding from a fibroid), but I found the night sweats intolerable. I felt like I was being slimed (Anyone seen Ghostbusters?!)in the middle of the night. Then I started having episodes during the day, and I just plain couldn't stand the embarassment. Pulling on and taking off sweaters, fanning myself. Ugh! I have tried all of the otc stuff, but none of it works. Sooo--I say the risk is tolerable and I will stay with microgestin.
My doctor recommended black cohosh. He does not recommend herbal remedies often. Some brands do work better than others(no government standards) This does work for me. I recently tried cutting back to one a day as opposed to three. After awhile I started having night sweats and a lot of hot flashes. This has been a life saver for several years. I can really tell the difference when I lower the dose or quit taking it. I keep hoping I can get through this and not need it anymore. It really disrupts my sleep when I have night sweats. I do try and taper off periodiacally because I know I should not need this forever. I have been dealing with this for 4 years now. Try having hot flashes while you are pouring sweat from a really hard cardio workout. It is not fun. I can definitely feel for anyone going through this.
Diane Sue
I have had these for 3-4 years now ( I am 51). What has worked for me is 800 mcgms of vitamin E a day and I take a 600 mg of calcium that has 25 mg of soy isoflavens. I know this works because if I forget to take them with me when I travel and go without taking them for a week, the hot flashes come back. It took about a month of taking this daily and the flashes subsided. I get the occasional one but it seems to come if I am under some type of stress ( like doing a presentation in front of people at work ( ugh!)
Hi Gina! I have not had hot flashes yet but my doctor asked if I was having them yet at my check-up last year. I told her, "No." She said I am going to write down for you what to use IF they start this year. (I am 51, 52 in Nov.) She said to buy OTC: Estoven and Blue Cohosh. (I am wondering if she meant to write BLACK Cohosh??? Has anyone heard of Blue?) She also told me that they have helped her. I hope you can help your Mom find relief. It's sooo nice of you to take the time to care and research. Good Luck! BTW, thank you for the thank you! :7 You did a great job organizing Cathe's Canine Partner donations!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
There is definitely a blue cohosh. Hopefully, they won't hybridize to make a black and blue cohosh!
I have started using OTC Estroven, and it has worked wonders for me. I use the extra strength. I am 51 and have been having hot flashes and night sweats for about 3 years. I started using the Estroven and cleaned up my diet. I noticed that when I ate a lot of junk food, and especialy sugar, that all my symtoms were a lot worse. It took about 6 weeks for the estroven helped, but now I hardly ever have any of my symtoms now. It is so worth it!!!!!!
Perhaps Natural Progesterone Cream? Have you checked out Dr. John Lee's website? He wrote a book 'What your doctor won't tell you about menopause'.

I am a consultant for Arbonne International which sells two NPC products - of which I have heard rave reveiws about. One of them contains an herbal formula to help with hormonal regulation. Please let me know if you're interested, or just check it out online at It comes in a handy pump that doles out a measured amount plus the pump keeps it from being exposed before you use it.

There are other NPC's you can buy - just be sure that they meet the standards set on Dr. Lee's site.
Your mother really should check with her doctor before trying things suggested on this forum.

Also, remember, just because something is 'natural' doesn't mean it's good for you. This is her health we're talking about. Even though you mean well, she shouldn't be playing around with Hormones without talking to her doctor. I believe I read she smokes...smoking and hormones don't mix. Progesterone cream contains hormones.
Thanks, Candi.

You're right, smoking and hormones, along with tons of other things, don't mix. I've been trying to convince her to quit for a long time! Also, you're right about the "natural" term. Since herbal supplements and what not aren't regulated by the FDA, you really have to do your research. My mom has a GYN appt. coming up, so hopefully she'll bring up some of the ideas I've gotten here and see what the doctor recommends, if anything.

Thanks for your help:)
Thanks Debbie & mogambo! I never heard of blue cohosh either. It's very cool (no pun intended) that you're not having hot flashes! Maybe you will be one of those women who transition very smoothly.
Thanks garance! I do remember Ghostbusters lol! When I was a kid, there was a show on Nickelodeon called "You can't do that on television" (I think). Every so often some kid would get a big bucket of goo poured over his head. Ick.

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